JOE BIDEN - THE LAWLESS GAMER LAWYER IN THE WHITE HOUSE AND HS CUBAN LAWLESS LAWYER MAYORKAS - Nonsense. All of this is done online though a DHS app. As with virtually every illegal, there is no way to verify the identities of any of these people, nor can they be checked for criminal records.


Illegals fly Florida

On April 30, Illegals fly free—and secretly, was posted at American Thinker. It’s the tale of the Biden Administration flying unvetted illegals directly across our “secure” and “closed” borders into America at taxpayer expense. Illegals apply and are approved via an app specially written to circumvent immigration law. Most government produced software fails miserably, but they got this one right.

It was, until recently, a more than top-secret program, and planes loaded with illegals landed, during the night, at airports across America. Now we know more, including where those illegals have been landing.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) data is revealing the more than 45 cities in the U.S. that hundreds of thousands of migrants have flown into via a controversial parole program for four nationalities — with the vast majority entering the U.S. via airports in Florida.

During an eight-month period from January through August 2023, roughly 200,000 migrants flew into the U.S. via the program. Of those, 80% of them, (161,562) arrived in the state of Florida in four cities: Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Orlando and Tampa Bay, according to DHS data obtained via a subpoena by the House Homeland Security Committee and provided to Fox News.

The policy was first announced for Venezuelans in October 2022, which allowed a limited number to fly or travel directly into the U.S. as long as they had not entered illegally, had a sponsor in the U.S. already, and passed certain biometric and biographical vetting. The program does not itself facilitate flights, and migrants are responsible for their own travel.

Nonsense. All of this is done online though a DHS app. As with virtually every illegal, there is no way to verify the identities of any of these people, nor can they be checked for criminal records. As to “biometric” vetting, double nonsense. How do you vet, via an app, anyone? How can you tell if a photo they sent is actually them, or if any other data relates to them? And if data from their country of origin is available, how can it be trusted? It’s highly likely these are people their regimes want to send anywhere else, and particularly America where they can do damage to the hated Americans. And sponsors? No doubt various America-hating NGOs have long lists of such “sponsors,” existing or fictional (likely the latter) the Biden DHS is more than happy to credit.

These are the four countries involved known so far:

Graphic: Fox News Screenshot

Cuba? Democrats/socialists/communists (D/s/cs) hate Cubans that want to immigrate because they’re anti-communists, love America and want to assimilate; they want to become Americans. What’s most likely is these particular Cubans are regime-approved infiltrators, ready to perform or support acts of sabotage and terror against Americans.

And Nicaragua, Venezuela and Haiti? There must be, if only by process of elimination, some decent people living in those places, people who might want to assimilate, who have the ability to contribute to America rather than live here parasitically, but what are the odds those are the people those countries are allowing out?

Notice which state has been the primary recipient of this immigration largess:

Graphic: Fox News Screenshot

That’s right: Florida. Surely the Mummified Meat Puppet Administration (MMPA) wouldn’t do that on purpose? They’d never do that as a means of punishing Gov. Ron DeSantis and Floridians for not only refusing to turn blue, but for serving as one of the primary free states to which refugees from blue states flee? They’d certainly not do that out of rage over how successful Florida has been in suing D/s/c mandates and opposing the federal government—would they? They’re not political and vindictive, are they?

Americans have become so used to the MMPA serially violating the Constitution and the law in general little surprises them, but this too is a direct violation of American immigration law, and a violation of Joe Biden’s oath to see the law is faithfully executed. Of course, virtually everything Biden’s handlers have done in relation to immigration is a violation of immigration law, national sovereignty and security.

These unidentifiable illegals are getting a free ride, not only across our border, but anywhere else in the country they wish to travel. Contrast that with Americans stranded in hostile foreign countries who have to fork over payment in advance to reserve a seat on the far too few American flights out when the State Department screws up another country and is forced by public outrage to acknowledge they’ve left hundreds, even thousands, of additional Americans behind in mortal danger.

And now they want to do the same for Palestinians, some 80% of whom are Islamists. But that’s another article.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. He is a published author and blogger. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor. 

America Is Headed For A Civil War… Maybe

The 19th-century Prussian general Karl Von Clausewitz famously said: “War is not an independent phenomenon, but the continuation of politics by different means.” Or as we more often hear it, “War is but politics by different means.” Some predict that America is on the verge of a hot war. But while it’s true that our country is more divided than ever, it may not be as divided as the pro-Hamas, anti-American protesters hope.

War is what generally happens when two (or more) sides get to a point where they can no longer peacefully coexist with the current circumstances. America seems to have reached that point...

How does one know a civil war is coming? Have you been on a college campus lately?

2024 is an echo of 1968. Today, the ostensible catalyst for what we’re seeing on campuses across the country is the alleged Israeli “genocide” happening in Gaza. We’re seeing a virtual replay of the original “Summer of Love,” when entitled students took over campuses while feckless administration cowards fiddled while their schools figuratively burned. In ’68, the students were protesting the Vietnam War (they were really protesting the draft; the war was just the rallying point), and then, as now, Columbia was the epicenter.

Spreading from Columbia across the country, that summer protests raged. Chants of “Hell no, we won’t go” and images of Black Power fists were seen and heard on every nightly newscast. Today, the news and social media are filled with chants of “From the river to the sea,” images of Palestinian flags, BLM signs, and Antifa graffiti. Anyone not wearing a keffiyeh is being declared a “Zionist.”

The difference between 1968 and 2024 is that, back then, most of the country disagreed with the protesters.

In November 1968, Richard Nixon defeated Hubert Humphrey in the Electoral College 301-191. Add to that the 46 electors that George Wallace took, and the country voted 347 to 191 against the Democrats (57% vs 43% in the popular vote). This was at a time when most Democrats were strongly anti-communist, and being pro-American was considered normal, almost required.

Today, we have a completely different landscape. In 2024, Democrats are virtually indistinguishable from communists, and being pro-American is seen as racist.

Hence, the college protests. They’re not just pro-Hamas; they’re much, much more. These protests are very much a reflection of their time given the seemingly mainstream nature of the beliefs that power them. They’re at their core not just anti-Israel, they’re antisemitic, they’re anti-American, anti-Western, anti-capitalistanti-police, and of course, anti-white.

Sadly, all those things are basically mainstream Democrat policies in 2024. We see every single one of them play out across the country in federal, state, and local governments. From stultifying climate change regulations to the housing of illegals to DEI diktats to the reimagining of police, there’s virtually nothing that the federal government and half our state and local governments do today that isn’t infused with the workings of a leftist’s wet dream. At the end of the day, while some new incremental CAFE standard from Washington or a DEI hire at the local university might not sound particularly onerous, in reality, each is another bar in the leftist policy prison being implemented around the country.

Half the American population has become anti-everything America once stood for, and that half is actively leveraging the power of the government to “fundamentally transform the United States of America” against everything traditionally American. Given that the traditional half has no interest in watching its country be destroyed, feel as if they have few viable tools with which to stop the destruction, and hear their government call them the enemy, the country is sitting on a powder keg.

If this were the Roman Empire or 1945 Germany, it might be possible to split the nation in two, with the east going one direction and the west going another, but it’s not. What we’re faced with is an urban/rural dichotomy, where the population of cities is largely hardcore leftists, and the population of the suburbs and rural America is more traditionally patriotic.

While a clean split is simply not feasible, a continuation of the current trajectory isn’t either.

Which is where these college protests come in. As they morph into fortified CHAZ-like encampments across the country, where the American flag is replaced by the Palestinian flag or where their own violent “security” staff keeps others at bay, the pressure will only ramp up on the feckless university leaders to do something. But of course, given that most are fellow travelers with the protesters, they’ve dragged their feet so much so that it’s simply emboldened the protesters, even as some are finally being rounded up.

Funded by the modern incarnation of Satan himself, George Soros, the protests will spill out beyond the universities, returning to bridges, highways, and other choke points around the country. They’ll be joined by LGBTQXYZ activists and environmental wackos, as well as more Antifa and BLM agitators. Together, they’ll try and bring the country to a halt. It won’t happen, of course, as local police and the National Guard will be called out—often by reluctant, sympathetic Democrat leaders—to restore some law and order.

But the lines will be drawn. On the one side will be Americans who understand exactly how fortunate we are, how difficult it is to create prosperity and how, while imperfect, America is the greatest nation yet produced. On the other side will be Americans who know little about history, spit on their birthright, and seek to turn the United States into Venezuela. At some point the former will decide they’ve had enough and do what they need to do to put a stop to it.

With all due respect to Von Clausewitz, I’d suggest politics is a prelude to war. At least in this case. It’s not inevitable, but it is likely. But… we could—and I hope we do—get lucky.

The terrorist sympathizers taking over campuses are sufficiently emboldened by the support they’re getting from Democrats that they’re willing to say what they really think, to be crystal clear about what they support (Hamas and terrorism) and what they don’t (America). Their forthrightness may lead them to discover that they and their Democrat brethren have overplayed their hands.

By showing America exactly who they are and how much they hate everything about America, perhaps enough non-radicalized Democrats will see the light and vote for the guy who promises to put America first. They might still hate him, but we can hope they’ll love their country more. If enough do, we just might avoid another civil war…

Image by Vince Coyner using AI.

Here is the problem in a nutshell.  Most Democrat voters don't realize that leftist idealogues have hijacked the Democrat party, actively pushing traditional Democrat politicians out.  They don't yet understand that the Democrat party they knew doesn't exist anymore.  Almost all of the major news organizations work together to lie to Democrat voters and feed them misinformation constantly.  Corrupted government entities like the FBI and the DOJ, and the leftists running all social media, have worked together to censor and silence any dissenting voices.  The goal is to create a false reality in the eyes of Democrat voters and shield them from the truth.  This is vital to ensure their continued support on Election Day.         IAN MacCONNELL

Joe Biden plots to import Gaza's 'refugees'

Joe Biden is running for re-election and behind in the polls.

He's desperate to satisfy his 'death to America' base in places like Dearborn and at campus protests.

So now he's come up with a new sweetener to bring those voters back.

Importing Gaza "refugees," despite the war being, from the Hamas perspective about establishing a 'homeland' and taking over Israel, too. You don't move away from a 'homeland' if that's what you're 'fighting' for.

According to CBS News:

The Biden administration is considering bringing certain Palestinians to the U.S. as refugees, a move that would offer a permanent safe haven to some of those fleeing war-torn Gaza, according to internal federal government documents obtained by CBS News.

In recent weeks, the documents show, senior officials across several federal U.S. agencies have discussed the practicality of different options to resettle Palestinians from Gaza who have immediate family members who are American citizens or permanent residents.

One of those proposals involves using the decades-old United States Refugee Admissions Program to welcome Palestinians with U.S. ties who have managed to escape Gaza and enter neighboring Egypt, according to the inter-agency planning documents.

Top U.S. officials have also discussed getting additional Palestinians out of Gaza and processing them as refugees if they have American relatives, the documents show. The plans would require coordination with Egypt, which has so far refused to welcome large numbers of people from Gaza.

Those who pass a series of eligibility, medical and security screenings would qualify to fly to the U.S. with refugee status, which offers beneficiaries permanent residency, resettlement benefits like housing assistance and a path to American citizenship.

So fighting the war to stay in Gaza isn't quite as nice as a big, free, benefit package, and a life on the public dime over in the U.S. instead. Never mind that Hamas, which started the war with Israel, nominally did so to establish a homeland for Palestinians and screams loudly about 'forced relocation,' which plenty of people in Israel, understandably enough, would like to see done. Who needs a homeland when you've got Omrika, handed out free of charge? Maybe you can fly back and forth, paid for with U.S. funds, and fist-wave against the U.S. in both countries.

And maybe Biden should explain why the U.S., which is a prime terrorist target, is importing in people that every other Arab countries refuses to allow in? We know what the issue is there -- they don't want terrorist nesting grounds established with an imported coterie of 'refugees' from Gaza.

Because the big problem with importing Gaza refugees is how to separate them from the hate-Israel and hate-America ideology that they've been steeped in since birth.  How many of these so-called refugees danced at the monstrous massacre of Israeli civilians in their homes or dancing at a music festival on October 7? Based on the photos seen, it was thousands of them. And that's not surprising, because they also willingly elected Hamas to be their leaders.

Oh, sure, the Biden camp leaking to CBS News says that they'll be processed with "security screenings." We all know how well those go, starting with the thousands of 'refugees' Biden imported from Afghanistan, based on their willingness to push, shove, knock down and trample women, children, elderly, and sick people waiting in line, and never mind about the military translators, who got left behind. Recent revelations show that many of this bunch had no identification cards or were on terrorist watchlists. Biden let them all in and now nobody knows where they are. That's some 'screening.'

Gaza, where Hamas controls everything, will be just as bad. Just as Hamas controls all the food in the country, feeding its fat, doughy "fighters" with the 'aid' while leaving women and children to starve or serve as human shields for propaganda purposes, so it will control who gets to be a refugee.

How useful does anyone think it will be for Hamas to get a nest of operatives into the states for an encore of October 7 against the Great Satan Himself? And if not that, how useful would it be for Hamas to get a "community" of October 7 dancers, not waving their gun-guns, but electing a member of Congress to throw their weight around, much as America-hating migrants such as Rep. Ilhan Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib already do? One, two, many, Omars in Congress, sounds very much like an idea Hamas could embrace.

Sure, Biden says the only ones they'll let in are those with 'ties' to the states. That doesn't screen at all for Hamas supporters, given the kind of migrants we know are already here. What's more, to import refugees legitimately, and I don't anticipate they'll follow the rules on this, CBS notes that the law is as follows:

To qualify to enter the U.S. as a refugee, applicants have to prove they are fleeing persecution based on certain factors, such as their nationality, religion or political views.

Israel is going only after Hamas and trying to spare civilian casualties, so item one, on the 'nationality' factor is out. Same with 'religion.' Item three is about 'political views.' What kind of political views are these people likely to have that engenders "persecution" from Israel? That's right, pro-Hamas views. This looks like Joe Biden's plan to 'save Hamas' more than anything else, by bringing them over here.

With the border already overrun by all comers, this importation of hostile, anti-American 'refugees' with a full free ride from Uncle Sam and a pathway to citizenship can only be a plot to import more America-haters in a bid to influence elections.

If this isn't an outrageous idea well worth fighting, what is? The lawsuits should be fast, thick and heavy on this, if there's is one thing America doesn't need, it's people who celebrate and abet terrorists of the most heinous kind.

Image: Screen shot from video, via YouTube


Joe Biden: ‘Immigrants Are What Makes Us Strong’

Asylum biden border
Shawn Thew/EPA/Bloomberg via Getty Images, AP Photo/Moises Castillo

Migrants — not voting Americans and their children — “are what makes us [economically] strong,” President Joe Biden told a May 1 fundraiser for pro-migration groups at the elite Mayflower Hotel in Washington D.C.

Biden’s statement spotlights his policy of inflating the national economy with Extraction Migration — not by raising U.S. exports to developing countries or by growing Americans’ all-important productivity with more investment in workplace automation and innovation.

“One of the reasons why our economy is growing is because of you and many others. Why? Because we welcome immigrants,” Biden said, according to a report by a pool reporter. He continued:

Why is China stalling so badly economically? Why is Japan having trouble? Why is Russia? Why is India? Because they’re xenophobic. They don’t want immigrants! …Immigrants are what makes us strong. Not a joke. That’s not hyperbole, because we have an influx of workers who want to be here and just contribute.

Establishment media outlets downplayed Biden’s economic strategy and instead portrayed his comments as a diplomatic gaffe during “Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.”

Biden is partly right about the economics: Migration does expand a nation’s economy and tax revenues — just as ice cream expands a waistline — because migrants serve as consumers, renters, workers, and clients for government agencies.

But Biden’s rush of migrants also boosts inflation, housing prices, and interest rates. Worse, it shrinks CEOs’ willingness to pay for the vital growth in the automation and productivity that allows voters to earn more wages by doing more work each day.

On May 2, Reuters reported that “U.S. worker productivity growth slowed sharply in the first quarter, resulting in a surge in labor costs, but the trend in productivity remained solid.”

Migration lobbies sideline the productivity issue as they demand more lower-skilled, low-productivity consumers, renters, and workers.

So Biden’s pro-migration policy has wrecked his polls in an election year when Wall Street gains from cheap labor while ordinary American voters scrimp and save as their slow-growing wages get chewed up by inflation and housing costs.

The situation is similar in the United Kingdom, where the nation’s Conservative Party is facing an electoral wipeout by January 2025 because it welcomed a vast inrush of migrants who have dragged down wages, pushed up housing costs, and stalled productivity gains.

So too in Canada, where investor-backed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is facing electoral defeat in October 2025 because mass migration has pulled down wages and productivity while also pushing up housing prices so much that the birth rate has also dropped.

In Ireland, the nation’s leading political parties also face defeat in 2025 because the now-departed prime minister, Leo Varadkar, dramatically ramped up migration numbers. Varadakar’s father was born in India.

Biden also slammed Japan, which has recently decided to start importing workers. “The growth trajectory of the Japanese economy is actually not so bad when looking at per-capita figures,” Ulrich Volz, an economics professor at SOAS University of London, said in an email to the Washington Post.

In contrast, China’s dictatorship has adopted the economic strategy used by generations of U.S. governments between 1925 and roughly 1990,

The prior U.S. strategy emphasized education, science, productivity, and automation, and it allowed generations of Americans to massively increase production, grow exports, and share vast wealth via wages and stock values — even as they fought and won World War II and the Cold War.

But that low-migration, high-productivity strategy was abandoned in 1990 by Republicans and Democrats who allowed investors to move U.S. manufacturing to China. The politicians also choose to inflate the nation’s consumer economy by doubling the extraction of consumers, renters, and workers from developing countries.

China’s dictatorship took advantage of this U.S. shift to import American expertise and funding to help create their own network of high-tech factories amid regime-surveilled widespread poverty:

For example, the New York Times reported in August 2023 about how China is trying to grow its auto industry without immigration:

China, and particularly the electric car industry, is trying to use automation to address its shortage of willing hands. According to the International Federation of Robotics, businesses in China installed more industrial robots in 2022 than the rest of the world combined. It exceeded its biggest manufacturing rivals, Japan, the United States, South Korea and Germany.

By 2027, Nio plans to replace half its managerial positions with artificial intelligence and a third of its factory workers with robots, said Mr. Ji, the company’s vice president of manufacturing. One of Nio’s factories makes 300,000 E.V. motors a year and has a mere 30 workers.

“All of these companies have a hard time to find blue-collar labor,” said Zhou Linlin, the chief executive of Principle Capital, a Shanghai investment firm with stakes in numerous Chinese factories. “That’s why all the companies are looking for automation and robotics solutions.”

In contrast, U.S. Fortune 500 companies are protecting their value on Wall Street by importing migrants for U.S. white-collar jobs and exporting jobs to white-collar workers in developing countries.

Biden’s May 1 comments about China match his earlier April 16 campaign speech in Scranton, Pa, where he declared, “They’re xenophobic, nobody else is coming in, they’ve got real problems”:

Extraction Migration

Since at least 1990, the federal government has relied on Extraction Migration to grow the consumer economy after it helped investors move the high-wage manufacturing sector to lower-wage countries.

The migration policy extracts vast amounts of human resources from needy countries. The additional workers, consumers, and renters push up stock values by shrinking Americans’ wages, subsidizing low-productivity companies, boosting rents, and spiking real estate prices.

The economic policy has pushed many native-born Americans out of careers in a wide variety of business sectors, reduced Americans’ productivity and political clout, slowed high-tech innovation, shrunk trade, crippled civic solidarity, and incentivized government officials and progressives to ignore the rising death rate of discardedlow-status Americans.

The policy also sucks jobs and wealth from heartland states by subsidizing coastal investors and government agencies with a flood of low-wage workers, high-occupancy renters, and government-aided consumers. Similar policies have damaged citizens and economies in Canada and the United Kingdom.

The colonialism-like policy has damaged small nations, and has killed hundreds of Americans and thousands of migrants, including many on the taxpayer-funded jungle trail through the Darien Gap in Panama.


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