But that fascination dies when it comes to Barack Obama, the Left’s quasi-sacred figure. About him, no curiosity, please, no gossip, and no hint of impropriety. When he falsely claimed in 1991 to have been born in Kenya, and not in Hawaii, blame fell on a sloppy literary agent. When Stanley Kurtz proved that Obama lied about not being a member of Chicago’s socialist New Party and a candidate for it, the Obama P.R. machine smeared Kurtz and the story disappeared.



I expect that, at some future time when Barack Obama loses his sacral quality, historians will take great interest in his childhood religious affiliation. They will wonder how, in the information-heavy, politically-riven, and celebrity-mad culture of early twenty-first century United States, so gigantic a biographical inconvenience could be successfully hidden and rendered taboo. They will study how, in a modern democratic society, a determined candidate can suppress even the most important and relevant information. DANIEL PIPES


PROOF Obama's Birth Certificate is Fake


[Order Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]



He tells the world, as the self-proclaimed first black president, that Whitey is inherently and systemically racist, whether he knows it or not.  And meanwhile, Barry’s half–white supremacist himself!

"That phase of the takeover was started in 2008 by President Barack Obama.  Throughout his eight years in office, Obama practiced divisiveness and hammered away at the Second Amendment while pouring gallons of fuel on the fire of the "Black Lives Matter" lie.  His administration was rampant with corruption, pushing the envelope with every new scandal." RICK HAYES

Barack Obama, 21st-Century Schizoid Man

Although not a psychologist, I nevertheless convinced thousands of trusting souls to open their mouths (and wallets) for needles, drills, forceps, foul tastes, strange smells, not-good vibrations, and bills beyond imagination for more than forty years.

And after the obligatory formalities and a couple jabs of the ol’ Novocain had been dispensed with, I’d sit, patiently waiting for profound anesthesia, and provide free psychoanalysis to my patients.

I’d listen carefully — most times — and then, no matter what the patient’s problem was, I’d say, “You have a problem with congruity.”

“Congruity” is having the things you think and deeply believe match up with your actual words and actions.  Most people fall short of absolute congruity, but the smaller the gap, or “schism,” between your talk and your walk, the happier and more fulfilled you are.

And the bigger the schism, the more troubled, angry, and unhappy you are.

With that in mind, who could possibly be more conflicted, disturbed, or downright resentful than the man currently sailing our ship of state into a stone jetty at about ninety knots?

Joe Biden, you say?

No, silly!  He’s not running anything, except maybe his mouth when he’s occasionally allowed to.

Watch the recent video of Crusty Joe trying to eat his dinner at the execrable White House Correspondents’ Dinner.  He’s zoning out on the person talking to him.  He struggles to move salad from the salad plate to his dinner plate.  He then loses interest in the salad and strains mightily to rip a small dinner roll in two, finally transferring half the roll to his dinner plate.

He then loses interest in both the roll and the person animatedly yapping at him, and attempts, ever so slowly, to bring a forkful of greens up to his quivering mouth — a meeting so perilous that it recalls one of the perilous outer space hookups needed for the successful Apollo 11 mission.

No, poor old Joe isn’t running things now, nor was he back when he was “elected” and still had two neurons to rub together.

It’s always been Barack Obama.

Barry O’s the puppet master who’s been running the show for fifteen years now, eight overtly and seven covertly, leading the Deep State efforts against sitting President Trump and later telling senile Joe exactly what to say on notecards and teleprompters.

And who could be more schizoid than the Lightbringer?

He tells the world, as the self-proclaimed first black president, that Whitey is inherently and systemically racist, whether he knows it or not.  And meanwhile, Barry’s half–white supremacist himself!

Imagine hating half of yourself for the sins your distant forefathers may or may have not committed against distant relatives of your other half.  Terribly confusing, no?

And in a love letter, young Obama tells a girlfriend that he feels androgynous and that he “makes love to men daily, in [his] imagination,” a sentence no heterosexual man has ever written, at least in recorded history.  This certainly explains Barry’s love for the LBGTetc. movement, but not his attempt to sell the American electorate on a presidential candidate ostensibly deeply in love with a woman.

And imagine pretending to the American public that you’re a devout Christian, and then saying that the adhan, the Islamic call to prayer, is “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth.”

It’s certainly all right to love Islam and feel that way about the adhan, but why pretend you follow Christ?  And what is it with Obama sending pallets of hard currency under cover of darkness to Iran, the leading sponsor of terror in the world and the people ultimately responsible for October 7?

Christians certainly don’t hate Jews, with whom they share beliefs written down in the Old Testament.  Why does Obama?

The schism between what Barack Obama says he is and what he really is is enormous.  He must be miserable.

He carries on incessantly about the environment and global warming and then buys three mansions with an enormous carbon footprint, one a Hawaiian oceanfront property.  Obama either thinks he personally did stop the rise of the oceans, in which case he’s delusional, or he never worried about it in the first place, in which case he’s a liar.  Which is it, Barry: delusional or liar?

“The One” also claimed that he was president for all people, both in blue states and red.  And then he promptly sicced his CIA, FBI, IRS, and State Dept. — and our vile, supine mainstream media — on President Trump and his followers.  He demonized Christians, whites, males, heterosexuals, the pro-life movement, and above all MAGA-supporters.  No uniter, he.

Obama has habitually harangued the wealthy, pushing them to pay more taxes and asking them, when is enough enough?  But his socialist veneer has worn thin, now that he and Michelle are multi-multi-millionaires.  Barry must lie awake at night, in one of his mansions, wondering when exactly enough is enough.

Poor Obama — so narcissistic, neurotic, and incongruent.  Such a nowhere man, making all his nowhere plans, desperately hoping DJT won’t be re-elected.  He’s black, he’s white, he’s gay, he’s straight, he’s Christian yet loves Iran and the adhan, he was president of the USA for eight years and yet he hates and has often apologized for his country.

He alone makes the sad dried up turnip in the Oval Office’s mouth move and spew socialist venom, even as he, B.O., pretends to care about democracy.  After fifteen years of King Barack’s either overt or covert rule, America has been brought to her knees.

It appears Obama’s psychotic, self-hating persona has permeated the U.S. public’s consciousness (see For Palestine, Jews or Gays).  After this November, either hardworking, God-fearing, patriotic Americans will be running this country, or it will be a deeply conflicted Barack Obama, 21st-century schizoid man.

<p><em>Image: Ari Levinson via <a  data-cke-saved-href=

Image: Ari Levinson via Wikimedia CommonsCC BY-SA 3.0 (cropped).

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation and the Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption.                              BRIAN C JOONDEPH

Marlow Interview




It happened


“Then we suffered the rattling election of Barack Obama, whose active membership in a white-, Jewish-, and America-hating church was well known to the electorate.  His close personal relationship with the likes of his adored Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan was no secret.  Obama was open about his goals.  He told us he was out to "fundamentally transform America" and the world.” 

                                                         ALAN BERGSTEIN

“Obama’s new home in Washington has been described as the “nerve center” of the anti-Trump opposition. Former attorney general Eric Holder (CONSIDERED BY JUDICIAL WATCH AS ONE OF THE MOST CORRUPT A.G.s IN AMERICAN HISTORY) has said that Obama is “ready to roll” and has aligned himself with the “resistance.” Former high-level Obama campaign staffers now work with a variety of groups organizing direct action against Trump’s initiatives. “Resistance School,” for example, features lectures by former campaign executive Sara El-Amine, author of the Obama Organizing.”

“Obama would declare himself president for life with Soros really running the show, as he did for the entire Obama presidency.”

What no one will say, but I will, is that the ObamaGate /MuellerGate /SpyGate scandal is an ongoing plot to restore Barack Obama to the Presidency. Before heads explode let me explain.

"Along with Obama, Pelosi and Schumer are responsible for

incalculable damage done to this country over the eight years of that



 But soon enough, the reality of Barack Obama’s unpopularity, the reality of the criminal abuse by his administration in trying to frame and otherwise take down President Trump, and the reality of a booming economy helping all Americans, would take the air out of her balloon.  “Bring Back Barack” is not a winning campaign theme.  And if a tweet or two happened to get under her skin, the result could be ugly. 

“Of course, one of the main reasons the nation

is now “divided, resentful and angry”

is because race-baiting, Islamist, 

class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was

president for eight long years." 

                                          MATTHEW  VADUM


"Cold War historian Paul Kengor goes deeply into Obama's communist background in an article in American Spectator, "Our First Red Diaper Baby President," and in an excellent Mark Levin interview.  Another Kengor article describes the Chicago communists whose younger generation include David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, and Barack Hussein Obama.  Add the openly Marxist, pro-communist Ayers, and you have many of the key players who put Obama into power." Karin McQuillan










Biden, long known as Delaware’s “senator from DuPont,” Biden served on committees that were most sensitive to the interests of the ruling class, including the Judiciary Committee and the Foreign Relations Committee. He supported the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999, a milestone in the deregulation of the banks, and other right-wing measures. After nearly four decades in the Senate, Biden became Obama’s vice president, helping to oversee the massive bailout of Wall Street following the 2008 financial crisis and the subsequent restructuring of class relations to benefit the rich. That included the bailout of General Motors and Chrysler, based on a 50 percent cut in the pay of all newly hired autoworkers.

President," and in an excellent Mark Levin interview.  Another Kengor article describes the Chicago communists whose younger generation include David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, and Barack Hussein Obama.  Add the openly Marxist, pro-communist Ayers, and you have many of the key players who put Obama into power." Karin McQuillan

How Obama's Wall Street money men and corporate lobbyists are ruining the economy and helping their friends In Culture of Corruption, Michelle Malkin lays bare the Obama administration's seamy underside that the liberal media would rather keep hidden.

 •           ISBN-10: 1596981091


“The watchdogs at Judicial Watch discovered documents that reveal how the Obama administration's close coordination with the Mexican government entices Mexicans to hop over the fence and on to the American dole.” Washington Times  


Throughout the Obama administration, sanctuary cities and states were able to get away with these policies because the Obama administration, despite Obama’s sworn obligation to upload the laws of the United States, approved of open borders. Trump promised to change all that. ANDREA WIDBURG

Michelle Obama, wife of President Obama, was one of the Democrat outsiders who pressed Twitter to make the unprecedented move to ban President Trump, then a sitting United States president, from that company's platform.


Jack Cashill’s new book, Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency, is widely available. See also www.cashill.com.

OPERATION OBOMB: Barack Obama, Eric Holder a

nd their bankster paymasters plan coup.


Barack Obama was famous not wanting to leave office when his term was done and well known for projecting a sense of entitlement to power.



Biden positions, after doing nothing, save for the end, at best, to help Biden's presidential campaign, suggesting that the hollow-victory Biden administration is just a placeholder for the return of an Obama third term.  It's a sign that Obama éminence grise is more than a little active, behind the scenes as she always is.

Obama Has 'HOPE' for a Third Term Through Joe

Obama stayed in D.C. because he’s a political whore like no other. BOSCH FAWSTIN



Obamas new home in Washington has been described as the nerve center of the anti-Trump opposition. Former attorney general Eric Holder has said that Obama is ready to roll and has aligned himself with the resistance. Former high-level Obama campaign staffers now work with a variety of groups organizing direct action against Trumps initiatives. Resistance School, for example, features lectures by former campaign executive Sara El-Amine, author of the Obama Organizing.” 


McCain and Obama Lobby for La Raza Support






How Obama’s Muslim Childhood Became a Taboo Topic

Reflections on when a gigantic biographical inconvenience was successfully hidden and denied.

June 23, 2023 by Daniel Pipes 50 Comments


[Order Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

Americans have an abiding fascination with their presidents, especially with their foibles and secrets. Who lied? Who ordered illegal operations? Who had mistresses?

Thus was the country transfixed by Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, and the tawdry drip-drip of their liaison. When newly declassified documents revealed hitherto unknown CIA connections to Lee Harvey Oswald, this made a media splash, with Tucker Carlson asking: “Did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy?”

But that fascination dies when it comes to Barack Obama, the Left’s quasi-sacred figure. About him, no curiosity, please, no gossip, and no hint of impropriety. When he falsely claimed in 1991 to have been born in Kenya, and not in Hawaii, blame fell on a sloppy literary agent. When Stanley Kurtz proved that Obama lied about not being a member of Chicago’s socialist New Party and a candidate for it, the Obama P.R. machine smeared Kurtz and the story disappeared.

When clear evidence showed that Obama had lied about having been born and raised a Muslim, the researcher who made the case was reviled, his investigation scorned, and his argument vaporized.

I should know, as I was that researcher. I wrote five times on this topic in 2007-08, during Obama’s first presidential campaign (three of those times in FrontPageMag.com) and then aggregated all this information, plus new details, in a long and (so far) definitive September 2012 article, “Obama’s Muslim Childhood,” serialized in the Washington Times.

All those writings emphasized that Obama was now a Christian. The first one began with:

“If I were a Muslim I would let you know,” Barack Obama has said, and I believe him. In fact, he is a practicing Christian, a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ. He is not now a Muslim. But was he ever a Muslim or seen by others as a Muslim?

I answered in the affirmative and showed how contradictory evidence concerning Obama’s religious background – from Obama’s father and name, from years in Indonesia, from his family, and most of all from himself – conclusively points to his being born and raised a Muslim.

Throughout, I emphasized not the Islam issue but the character issue; if Obama lies about something so fundamental, how can he be trusted? His other lies, such as Kenyan birth and socialist party non-membership, confirm this problem.

Responses came fast and hard. Ben Rhodes’ “echo chamber” nearly fainted at the impudence of my lèse majesté. Like Kurtz, I was slandered without the facts I presented ever addressed. Here’s a small sampling of the deluge:

· Ben Smith in Politico derided my analysis as “the template for a faux-legitimate assault on Obama’s religion.”

· The Spectator called mine the “the worst article on the presidential election” and also deemed it “mad” and “despicable.”

· Martin Peretz in the New Republic said I had “simply gone bonkers … and malicious.”

· Vice ran an article “Would You Care If Obama Were Muslim?” that responded to my carefully-crafted argument with “BLARGHA BLARGHA BLARGH REPEAL OBAMA BIN HUSSEIN’S GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER OF OUR JOBS.”

The Atlantic published no less than three attacks on the article and me. Mark Ambinder rued “the false notion that Obama is or was ever Muslim.” Andrew Sullivan dismissed my work as “toxins.” Matthew Yglesias ridiculed my saying that I believe Obama is not now a Muslim with “I, for one, believe Daniel Pipes when he says he’s not a child molester.”

And so it went, howling with outrage at the very thought of Obama as a Muslim, mocking and taunting me with ad hominem attacks, speculating about my motives. So relentless was the onslaught, even the conservative press overwhelmingly shied away from the topic. The McCain and Romney campaigns both treated the topic like Kryptonite. The issue of Obama’s lies had no impact on either presidential campaign, both of which – of course – Obama won.

I expect that, at some future time when Barack Obama loses his sacral quality, historians will take great interest in his childhood religious affiliation. They will wonder how, in the information-heavy, politically-riven, and celebrity-mad culture of early twenty-first century United States, so gigantic a biographical inconvenience could be successfully hidden and rendered taboo. They will study how, in a modern democratic society, a determined candidate can suppress even the most important and relevant information.

I look forward to the vindication.

Mr. Pipes (DanielPipes.org@DanielPipes) is president of the Middle East Forum. © 2023 by Daniel Pipes. All rights reserved.



PROOF Obama's Birth Certificate is Fake


How Obama’s Muslim Childhood Became a Taboo Topic

Reflections on when a gigantic biographical inconvenience was successfully hidden and denied.

June 23, 2023 by Daniel Pipes 50 Comments


[Order Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

Americans have an abiding fascination with their presidents, especially with their foibles and secrets. Who lied? Who ordered illegal operations? Who had mistresses?

Thus was the country transfixed by Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, and the tawdry drip-drip of their liaison. When newly declassified documents revealed hitherto unknown CIA connections to Lee Harvey Oswald, this made a media splash, with Tucker Carlson asking: “Did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy?”

But that fascination dies when it comes to Barack Obama, the Left’s quasi-sacred figure. About him, no curiosity, please, no gossip, and no hint of impropriety. When he falsely claimed in 1991 to have been born in Kenya, and not in Hawaii, blame fell on a sloppy literary agent. When Stanley Kurtz proved that Obama lied about not being a member of Chicago’s socialist New Party and a candidate for it, the Obama P.R. machine smeared Kurtz and the story disappeared.

When clear evidence showed that Obama had lied about having been born and raised a Muslim, the researcher who made the case was reviled, his investigation scorned, and his argument vaporized.

I should know, as I was that researcher. I wrote five times on this topic in 2007-08, during Obama’s first presidential campaign (three of those times in FrontPageMag.com) and then aggregated all this information, plus new details, in a long and (so far) definitive September 2012 article, “Obama’s Muslim Childhood,” serialized in the Washington Times.

All those writings emphasized that Obama was now a Christian. The first one began with:

“If I were a Muslim I would let you know,” Barack Obama has said, and I believe him. In fact, he is a practicing Christian, a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ. He is not now a Muslim. But was he ever a Muslim or seen by others as a Muslim?

I answered in the affirmative and showed how contradictory evidence concerning Obama’s religious background – from Obama’s father and name, from years in Indonesia, from his family, and most of all from himself – conclusively points to his being born and raised a Muslim.

Throughout, I emphasized not the Islam issue but the character issue; if Obama lies about something so fundamental, how can he be trusted? 



I expect that, at some future time when Barack Obama loses his sacral quality, historians will take great interest in his childhood religious affiliation. They will wonder how, in the information-heavy, politically-riven, and celebrity-mad culture of early twenty-first century United States, so gigantic a biographical inconvenience could be successfully hidden and rendered taboo. They will study how, in a modern democratic society, a determined candidate can suppress even the most important and relevant information. DANIEL PIPES


PROOF Obama's Birth Certificate is Fake


[Order Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]



He tells the world, as the self-proclaimed first black president, that Whitey is inherently and systemically racist, whether he knows it or not.  And meanwhile, Barry’s half–white supremacist himself!

"That phase of the takeover was started in 2008 by President Barack Obama.  Throughout his eight years in office, Obama practiced divisiveness and hammered away at the Second Amendment while pouring gallons of fuel on the fire of the "Black Lives Matter" lie.  His administration was rampant with corruption, pushing the envelope with every new scandal." RICK HAYES

Barack Obama, 21st-Century Schizoid Man

Although not a psychologist, I nevertheless convinced thousands of trusting souls to open their mouths (and wallets) for needles, drills, forceps, foul tastes, strange smells, not-good vibrations, and bills beyond imagination for more than forty years.

And after the obligatory formalities and a couple jabs of the ol’ Novocain had been dispensed with, I’d sit, patiently waiting for profound anesthesia, and provide free psychoanalysis to my patients.

I’d listen carefully — most times — and then, no matter what the patient’s problem was, I’d say, “You have a problem with congruity.”

“Congruity” is having the things you think and deeply believe match up with your actual words and actions.  Most people fall short of absolute congruity, but the smaller the gap, or “schism,” between your talk and your walk, the happier and more fulfilled you are.

And the bigger the schism, the more troubled, angry, and unhappy you are.

With that in mind, who could possibly be more conflicted, disturbed, or downright resentful than the man currently sailing our ship of state into a stone jetty at about ninety knots?

Joe Biden, you say?

No, silly!  He’s not running anything, except maybe his mouth when he’s occasionally allowed to.

Watch the recent video of Crusty Joe trying to eat his dinner at the execrable White House Correspondents’ Dinner.  He’s zoning out on the person talking to him.  He struggles to move salad from the salad plate to his dinner plate.  He then loses interest in the salad and strains mightily to rip a small dinner roll in two, finally transferring half the roll to his dinner plate.

He then loses interest in both the roll and the person animatedly yapping at him, and attempts, ever so slowly, to bring a forkful of greens up to his quivering mouth — a meeting so perilous that it recalls one of the perilous outer space hookups needed for the successful Apollo 11 mission.

No, poor old Joe isn’t running things now, nor was he back when he was “elected” and still had two neurons to rub together.

It’s always been Barack Obama.

Barry O’s the puppet master who’s been running the show for fifteen years now, eight overtly and seven covertly, leading the Deep State efforts against sitting President Trump and later telling senile Joe exactly what to say on notecards and teleprompters.

And who could be more schizoid than the Lightbringer?

He tells the world, as the self-proclaimed first black president, that Whitey is inherently and systemically racist, whether he knows it or not.  And meanwhile, Barry’s half–white supremacist himself!

Imagine hating half of yourself for the sins your distant forefathers may or may have not committed against distant relatives of your other half.  Terribly confusing, no?

And in a love letter, young Obama tells a girlfriend that he feels androgynous and that he “makes love to men daily, in [his] imagination,” a sentence no heterosexual man has ever written, at least in recorded history.  This certainly explains Barry’s love for the LBGTetc. movement, but not his attempt to sell the American electorate on a presidential candidate ostensibly deeply in love with a woman.

And imagine pretending to the American public that you’re a devout Christian, and then saying that the adhan, the Islamic call to prayer, is “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth.”

It’s certainly all right to love Islam and feel that way about the adhan, but why pretend you follow Christ?  And what is it with Obama sending pallets of hard currency under cover of darkness to Iran, the leading sponsor of terror in the world and the people ultimately responsible for October 7?

Christians certainly don’t hate Jews, with whom they share beliefs written down in the Old Testament.  Why does Obama?

The schism between what Barack Obama says he is and what he really is is enormous.  He must be miserable.

He carries on incessantly about the environment and global warming and then buys three mansions with an enormous carbon footprint, one a Hawaiian oceanfront property.  Obama either thinks he personally did stop the rise of the oceans, in which case he’s delusional, or he never worried about it in the first place, in which case he’s a liar.  Which is it, Barry: delusional or liar?

“The One” also claimed that he was president for all people, both in blue states and red.  And then he promptly sicced his CIA, FBI, IRS, and State Dept. — and our vile, supine mainstream media — on President Trump and his followers.  He demonized Christians, whites, males, heterosexuals, the pro-life movement, and above all MAGA-supporters.  No uniter, he.

Obama has habitually harangued the wealthy, pushing them to pay more taxes and asking them, when is enough enough?  But his socialist veneer has worn thin, now that he and Michelle are multi-multi-millionaires.  Barry must lie awake at night, in one of his mansions, wondering when exactly enough is enough.

Poor Obama — so narcissistic, neurotic, and incongruent.  Such a nowhere man, making all his nowhere plans, desperately hoping DJT won’t be re-elected.  He’s black, he’s white, he’s gay, he’s straight, he’s Christian yet loves Iran and the adhan, he was president of the USA for eight years and yet he hates and has often apologized for his country.

He alone makes the sad dried up turnip in the Oval Office’s mouth move and spew socialist venom, even as he, B.O., pretends to care about democracy.  After fifteen years of King Barack’s either overt or covert rule, America has been brought to her knees.

It appears Obama’s psychotic, self-hating persona has permeated the U.S. public’s consciousness (see For Palestine, Jews or Gays).  After this November, either hardworking, God-fearing, patriotic Americans will be running this country, or it will be a deeply conflicted Barack Obama, 21st-century schizoid man.

<p><em>Image: Ari Levinson via <a  data-cke-saved-href=

Image: Ari Levinson via Wikimedia CommonsCC BY-SA 3.0 (cropped).

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation and the Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption.                              BRIAN C JOONDEPH

Marlow Interview




It happened


“Then we suffered the rattling election of Barack Obama, whose active membership in a white-, Jewish-, and America-hating church was well known to the electorate.  His close personal relationship with the likes of his adored Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan was no secret.  Obama was open about his goals.  He told us he was out to "fundamentally transform America" and the world.” 

                                                         ALAN BERGSTEIN

“Obama’s new home in Washington has been described as the “nerve center” of the anti-Trump opposition. Former attorney general Eric Holder (CONSIDERED BY JUDICIAL WATCH AS ONE OF THE MOST CORRUPT A.G.s IN AMERICAN HISTORY) has said that Obama is “ready to roll” and has aligned himself with the “resistance.” Former high-level Obama campaign staffers now work with a variety of groups organizing direct action against Trump’s initiatives. “Resistance School,” for example, features lectures by former campaign executive Sara El-Amine, author of the Obama Organizing.”

“Obama would declare himself president for life with Soros really running the show, as he did for the entire Obama presidency.”

What no one will say, but I will, is that the ObamaGate /MuellerGate /SpyGate scandal is an ongoing plot to restore Barack Obama to the Presidency. Before heads explode let me explain.

"Along with Obama, Pelosi and Schumer are responsible for

incalculable damage done to this country over the eight years of that



 But soon enough, the reality of Barack Obama’s unpopularity, the reality of the criminal abuse by his administration in trying to frame and otherwise take down President Trump, and the reality of a booming economy helping all Americans, would take the air out of her balloon.  “Bring Back Barack” is not a winning campaign theme.  And if a tweet or two happened to get under her skin, the result could be ugly. 

“Of course, one of the main reasons the nation

is now “divided, resentful and angry”

is because race-baiting, Islamist, 

class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was

president for eight long years." 

                                          MATTHEW  VADUM


"Cold War historian Paul Kengor goes deeply into Obama's communist background in an article in American Spectator, "Our First Red Diaper Baby President," and in an excellent Mark Levin interview.  Another Kengor article describes the Chicago communists whose younger generation include David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, and Barack Hussein Obama.  Add the openly Marxist, pro-communist Ayers, and you have many of the key players who put Obama into power." Karin McQuillan










Biden, long known as Delaware’s “senator from DuPont,” Biden served on committees that were most sensitive to the interests of the ruling class, including the Judiciary Committee and the Foreign Relations Committee. He supported the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999, a milestone in the deregulation of the banks, and other right-wing measures. After nearly four decades in the Senate, Biden became Obama’s vice president, helping to oversee the massive bailout of Wall Street following the 2008 financial crisis and the subsequent restructuring of class relations to benefit the rich. That included the bailout of General Motors and Chrysler, based on a 50 percent cut in the pay of all newly hired autoworkers.

President," and in an excellent Mark Levin interview.  Another Kengor article describes the Chicago communists whose younger generation include David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, and Barack Hussein Obama.  Add the openly Marxist, pro-communist Ayers, and you have many of the key players who put Obama into power." Karin McQuillan

How Obama's Wall Street money men and corporate lobbyists are ruining the economy and helping their friends In Culture of Corruption, Michelle Malkin lays bare the Obama administration's seamy underside that the liberal media would rather keep hidden.

 •           ISBN-10: 1596981091


“The watchdogs at Judicial Watch discovered documents that reveal how the Obama administration's close coordination with the Mexican government entices Mexicans to hop over the fence and on to the American dole.” Washington Times  


Throughout the Obama administration, sanctuary cities and states were able to get away with these policies because the Obama administration, despite Obama’s sworn obligation to upload the laws of the United States, approved of open borders. Trump promised to change all that. ANDREA WIDBURG

Michelle Obama, wife of President Obama, was one of the Democrat outsiders who pressed Twitter to make the unprecedented move to ban President Trump, then a sitting United States president, from that company's platform.


Jack Cashill’s new book, Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency, is widely available. See also www.cashill.com.

OPERATION OBOMB: Barack Obama, Eric Holder a

nd their bankster paymasters plan coup.


Barack Obama was famous not wanting to leave office when his term was done and well known for projecting a sense of entitlement to power.



Biden positions, after doing nothing, save for the end, at best, to help Biden's presidential campaign, suggesting that the hollow-victory Biden administration is just a placeholder for the return of an Obama third term.  It's a sign that Obama éminence grise is more than a little active, behind the scenes as she always is.

Obama Has 'HOPE' for a Third Term Through Joe

Obama stayed in D.C. because he’s a political whore like no other. BOSCH FAWSTIN



Obamas new home in Washington has been described as the nerve center of the anti-Trump opposition. Former attorney general Eric Holder has said that Obama is ready to roll and has aligned himself with the resistance. Former high-level Obama campaign staffers now work with a variety of groups organizing direct action against Trumps initiatives. Resistance School, for example, features lectures by former campaign executive Sara El-Amine, author of the Obama Organizing.” 


McCain and Obama Lobby for La Raza Support






How Obama’s Muslim Childhood Became a Taboo Topic

Reflections on when a gigantic biographical inconvenience was successfully hidden and denied.

June 23, 2023 by Daniel Pipes 50 Comments


[Order Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

Americans have an abiding fascination with their presidents, especially with their foibles and secrets. Who lied? Who ordered illegal operations? Who had mistresses?

Thus was the country transfixed by Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, and the tawdry drip-drip of their liaison. When newly declassified documents revealed hitherto unknown CIA connections to Lee Harvey Oswald, this made a media splash, with Tucker Carlson asking: “Did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy?”

But that fascination dies when it comes to Barack Obama, the Left’s quasi-sacred figure. About him, no curiosity, please, no gossip, and no hint of impropriety. When he falsely claimed in 1991 to have been born in Kenya, and not in Hawaii, blame fell on a sloppy literary agent. When Stanley Kurtz proved that Obama lied about not being a member of Chicago’s socialist New Party and a candidate for it, the Obama P.R. machine smeared Kurtz and the story disappeared.

When clear evidence showed that Obama had lied about having been born and raised a Muslim, the researcher who made the case was reviled, his investigation scorned, and his argument vaporized.

I should know, as I was that researcher. I wrote five times on this topic in 2007-08, during Obama’s first presidential campaign (three of those times in FrontPageMag.com) and then aggregated all this information, plus new details, in a long and (so far) definitive September 2012 article, “Obama’s Muslim Childhood,” serialized in the Washington Times.

All those writings emphasized that Obama was now a Christian. The first one began with:

“If I were a Muslim I would let you know,” Barack Obama has said, and I believe him. In fact, he is a practicing Christian, a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ. He is not now a Muslim. But was he ever a Muslim or seen by others as a Muslim?

I answered in the affirmative and showed how contradictory evidence concerning Obama’s religious background – from Obama’s father and name, from years in Indonesia, from his family, and most of all from himself – conclusively points to his being born and raised a Muslim.

Throughout, I emphasized not the Islam issue but the character issue; if Obama lies about something so fundamental, how can he be trusted? His other lies, such as Kenyan birth and socialist party non-membership, confirm this problem.

Responses came fast and hard. Ben Rhodes’ “echo chamber” nearly fainted at the impudence of my lèse majesté. Like Kurtz, I was slandered without the facts I presented ever addressed. Here’s a small sampling of the deluge:

· Ben Smith in Politico derided my analysis as “the template for a faux-legitimate assault on Obama’s religion.”

· The Spectator called mine the “the worst article on the presidential election” and also deemed it “mad” and “despicable.”

· Martin Peretz in the New Republic said I had “simply gone bonkers … and malicious.”

· Vice ran an article “Would You Care If Obama Were Muslim?” that responded to my carefully-crafted argument with “BLARGHA BLARGHA BLARGH REPEAL OBAMA BIN HUSSEIN’S GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER OF OUR JOBS.”

The Atlantic published no less than three attacks on the article and me. Mark Ambinder rued “the false notion that Obama is or was ever Muslim.” Andrew Sullivan dismissed my work as “toxins.” Matthew Yglesias ridiculed my saying that I believe Obama is not now a Muslim with “I, for one, believe Daniel Pipes when he says he’s not a child molester.”

And so it went, howling with outrage at the very thought of Obama as a Muslim, mocking and taunting me with ad hominem attacks, speculating about my motives. So relentless was the onslaught, even the conservative press overwhelmingly shied away from the topic. The McCain and Romney campaigns both treated the topic like Kryptonite. The issue of Obama’s lies had no impact on either presidential campaign, both of which – of course – Obama won.

I expect that, at some future time when Barack Obama loses his sacral quality, historians will take great interest in his childhood religious affiliation. They will wonder how, in the information-heavy, politically-riven, and celebrity-mad culture of early twenty-first century United States, so gigantic a biographical inconvenience could be successfully hidden and rendered taboo. They will study how, in a modern democratic society, a determined candidate can suppress even the most important and relevant information.

I look forward to the vindication.

Mr. Pipes (DanielPipes.org@DanielPipes) is president of the Middle East Forum. © 2023 by Daniel Pipes. All rights reserved.



PROOF Obama's Birth Certificate is Fake


How Obama’s Muslim Childhood Became a Taboo Topic

Reflections on when a gigantic biographical inconvenience was successfully hidden and denied.

June 23, 2023 by Daniel Pipes 50 Comments


[Order Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

Americans have an abiding fascination with their presidents, especially with their foibles and secrets. Who lied? Who ordered illegal operations? Who had mistresses?

Thus was the country transfixed by Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, and the tawdry drip-drip of their liaison. When newly declassified documents revealed hitherto unknown CIA connections to Lee Harvey Oswald, this made a media splash, with Tucker Carlson asking: “Did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy?”

But that fascination dies when it comes to Barack Obama, the Left’s quasi-sacred figure. About him, no curiosity, please, no gossip, and no hint of impropriety. When he falsely claimed in 1991 to have been born in Kenya, and not in Hawaii, blame fell on a sloppy literary agent. When Stanley Kurtz proved that Obama lied about not being a member of Chicago’s socialist New Party and a candidate for it, the Obama P.R. machine smeared Kurtz and the story disappeared.

When clear evidence showed that Obama had lied about having been born and raised a Muslim, the researcher who made the case was reviled, his investigation scorned, and his argument vaporized.

I should know, as I was that researcher. I wrote five times on this topic in 2007-08, during Obama’s first presidential campaign (three of those times in FrontPageMag.com) and then aggregated all this information, plus new details, in a long and (so far) definitive September 2012 article, “Obama’s Muslim Childhood,” serialized in the Washington Times.

All those writings emphasized that Obama was now a Christian. The first one began with:

“If I were a Muslim I would let you know,” Barack Obama has said, and I believe him. In fact, he is a practicing Christian, a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ. He is not now a Muslim. But was he ever a Muslim or seen by others as a Muslim?

I answered in the affirmative and showed how contradictory evidence concerning Obama’s religious background – from Obama’s father and name, from years in Indonesia, from his family, and most of all from himself – conclusively points to his being born and raised a Muslim.

Throughout, I emphasized not the Islam issue but the character issue; if Obama lies about something so fundamental, how can he be trusted? 

Democrats are Silencing Voices of Opposition

The Democrat Party has changed since Harry Truman said this:

"Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear."

'Silencing' has become a way of life for Democrats when they govern. For example, when Democrats controlled the House of Representatives, they held a hearing on 'Disinformation and Extremism in the Media.' What prompted the hearing was a letter, written by Anna Eshoo (D-CA) and Jerry McNerney (D-CA), to 12 cable and satellite provider companies that carried TV shows ranging from the Food Network to Fox News. The letter began, "Our country's public discourse is plagued by misinformation, disinformation, conspiracy theories and lies." The representatives were concerned about right-wing media broadcasts, which, they claimed, was spreading 'lies' and 'disinformation.'

One question the committee asked was, "What moral or ethical principles (including those related to journalistic integrity, violence, medical information and public health) do you apply in deciding which channels to carry or when to take adverse actions against a channel?"

When Republicans perceived the committee's actions as attempted subversion of the Constitution and the silencing of news of which Democrats didn't approve, Congresswoman Eshoo said she had no intention of proposing legislation to silence conservative news outlets, that she was asking 'strong, important questions.'

Democrats don't like conservative news organizations or what they say, especially things favorable to Donald Trump. They consider it disinformation and/or extreme speech. Democrats have an agenda to silence conservative voices. They get private companies to do their dirty work, then say, "Our hands are clean" and "We didn't abridge anybody's First Amendment rights."

Democrats are 'committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition.' They have tried to silence Trump by keeping him off ballots. The primary reason cited was that he violated Section 3 of the Constitution's 14th Amendment, which bars any individual from holding federal or state office who has "engaged in insurrection." The 'insurrection,' for which Trump was neither charged nor convicted, took place on January 6, 2021.

  • Colorado: Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said, "...the all-Democrat Colorado Supreme Court has ruled against President Trump, supporting a Soros-funded, left-wing group's scheme to interfere in an election..."
  • Arizona: U.S. District Judge Douglas Rayes ruled that (Republican presidential candidate) John Castro's challenge had no 'standing' because Castro was 'not genuinely competing' with Trump for votes in the GOP primary.
  • California: Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis wrote a letter to Secretary of State Shirley Weber urging her to 'explore every legal option' to remove Trump from the ballot.
  • Maine: Secretary of State Shenna Bellows removed Trump from its primary ballot.
  • Michigan: the state's Court of Appeals ruled the Republican Party controls who appears on its primary ballot.
  • Minnesota: the state's Supreme Court ruled the Republican Party decides which candidates appear on its primary ballot.
  • Rhode Island: An attempt to remove Trump from the Republican primary ballot failed in Democrat Rhode Island.

Lawsuits have been filed in other states as well to keep him off state ballots: Alaska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Vermont, and Virginia.

Fortunately SCOTUS stepped in and ended the nonsense.

On the evening of January 24, on which Donald Trump won the Iowa caucus, MSNBC anchor Rachael Maddow silenced Trump's voice. She refused to air Trump's speech after his landslide win, saying MSNBC couldn't air "lies."

Maddow claimed it was 'not an easy decision' and that MSNBC and other news networks were interested in telling [a Democrat version of] the truth. "But there is a cost to us, as a news organization, of knowingly broadcasting untrue things. That is a fundamental truth of our business and who we are. And so, his remarks, tonight, will not air here live."

The 'Hush Money' trial, in which Trump is charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records, a felony punishable by up to four years in prison, is being prosecuted by a Democrat, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg (who has made this a federal case) and (conveniently) a former Biden Justice Department official. Another silence factor is that Alvin Bragg has no authority to enforce federal law. Trump also had to deal with a lawsuit brought by another New York Democrat, Attorney General Letitia James. He faces charges brought by Democrat district attorney Fani Willis. Trump also faces two indictments from the Biden Justice Department's chosen Trump prosecutor, Jack Smith.

In the 'Hush Money' trial, which began on March 25, Democrat Judge Juan M. Merchan cited Trump's prior comments about him and others in the case in granting the prosecution's request for what it termed a 'narrowly tailored' gag order barring Trump from making certain out-of-court statements. Prosecutors cited what they called Trump's 'long history of making public and inflammatory remarks' about people involved in his legal cases when it asked for the gag order.

Further damaging Trump's ability to campaign and raise funds, Judge Merchan ruled that Trump must be in court when it's in session. Merchan gave a warning "...that if Trump disrupts the proceedings, he could face jail time."

In what has to be the greatest case of chutzpah ever, Marchan said, "There’s no agenda here. We want to follow the law. We want justice to be done. That's all we want." He also said he is certain of his "ability to be fair and impartial." He said that despite the facts he's contributed to Democrats and his daughter is a party consultant.

Democrat operatives have done a very good job by bringing a total of 88 felony counts against Trump. They have managed to put Trump in a box designed to (a) cripple Trump's ability to campaign; (b) bankrupt or force him to use campaign funds for legal bills; and (c) erode Trump's appeal to swing voters who might be less likely to vote for him if he's convicted.

Democrats, learn from Harry Truman. You're going 'down the path of increasingly repressive measures.' What's being perpetrated today is exactly what Truman forecast over seventy years ago. Does ideology cloud your vision and thinking so much you can't see what's going down? Your voices will be silenced next, and it won't be Donald Trump doing the silencing.

Warren Beatty has created a web page that facilitates quick responses and/or comments to anything you consider outrageous: quick-rant.atwebpages.com

Image: RawPixel.com


Will the Supreme Court Let This Crisis Go to Waste?

Has the Supreme Court noticed that we’ve crossed a legal Rubicon?  The Constitution — that thing the Court is supposed to defend — is becoming less relevant by the day because the left has decided that our mutual pact of self-governance doesn’t apply to leftists.  They have weaponized our government against us — using it to surveil, silence, harass, and steal from us.  Our own government is even arguing that the Constitution should not be a constraint on its operations — which is precisely what its purpose is.

Are the Supreme Court Justices beginning to realize that we are in crisis?  Two recent cases indicate that they are awakening to that reality.

In Fischer v. United States, the court is considering the validity of using a financial statute to charge January 6 trespassers with obstruction of an official proceeding.  During questioning, Justice Gorsuch asked, “Would pulling a fire alarm before a vote qualify for 20 years in federal prison?”  He was referring to Democrat Jamaal Bowman, who pulled a fire alarm to prevent a congressional vote yet was not charged with “obstructing an official proceeding.”  That was Gorsuch’s way of asking if something other than party affiliation determines who will face the greater jeopardy of obstruction charges.  It was a sarcastic illustration of the decidedly unequal system of justice the DoJ is currently practicing.

In Trump v. United States, the Court is considering whether Donald Trump has immunity for actions taken while he was president.  The DoJ argued that the motive for presidential actions should determine whether immunity applies and that the discretion and good motivations of DoJ attorneys should be trusted to make that determination (try not to laugh).  Justice Alito questioned the wisdom of that argument, asking if the DoJ should be trusted, “given its history of abusive partisan prosecution.”  That is about as close as a Supreme Court justice will ever come to telling a government solicitor general that the latter has squandered his last ounce of credibility.

It appears that the Supreme Court justices are becoming aware that our justice system is now a tangle of broken constitutional promises and inconsistent legal decisions.  But do they realize that they helped create this mess?

When pundits complained about inconsistent decisions from the courts, and the obvious political biases at play, Chief Justice Roberts responded,

We do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges.  What we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them.

Roberts was ignoring the early warning signs that a cancer was destroying our republic and advising the public to “ignore the lump, it’s nothing.”  But it’s not “nothing.”  Our republic was being eaten away by a malignant leftist tumor.  Roberts wishing it were otherwise didn’t make it otherwise.

When Democrat party operatives used hoaxes to attack a president and a nominee for the Supreme Court (Brett Kavanaugh), the justices should have realized the extent of our problem.  But as the election of 2020 approached, they seemed determined to continue “business as usual.”

When state election officials used the 2020 pandemic as justification to change election rules, several organizations filed lawsuits claiming that only the state legislatures are constitutionally authorized to make such changes.  But the Supreme Court declined to hear the cases.  Since the election hadn’t happened yet, nobody had been harmed; hence, there were no damages to be adjudicated.

After the election, in which an unprecedented number of irregularities occurred, Texas (and several other states) petitioned the Supreme Court to adjudicate the issues.  But the court ruled that since the irregularities hadn’t occurred in Texas, citizens of Texas were not harmed, and the state therefore lacked standing to file suit.

When audits of the election began to reveal problems, organizations again asked the Court to engage.  But the Supreme Court declined again, simply saying that the election had been certified, and the arguments were therefore moot.

I’m sure the justices thought they were being prudent and were protecting the reputation of the Court by staying as far away from a controversial election as possible.  If so, they placed protection of the Court over protection of the Court’s source of authority — the Constitution.  It was shortsighted — as we see in hindsight.

Avoiding the problems of 2020 only created much bigger trouble for 2024.  According to Rasmussen Reports, 1 in 5 people who voted by mail in 2020 admit to cheating.  Now few Americans trust our elections.

A lack of legitimacy didn’t stop the Democrats from working toward political hegemony.  The Democrats used their control of the Legislative and Executive Branches to attempt “fundamental transformation” of all three branches of government.  They came within two Senate votes of changing the nature of our government for decades — if not forever.  Had Senators Manchin and Sinema not balked, the Dems would have packed the Supreme Court, added two liberal states to the Union, and nationalized elections.

During all of this, the Supreme Court’s power to stand against “fundamental transformation” was waning.  When the Court attempted to constrain Executive overreach (i.e., student loan forgiveness), the president simply ignored it.  Democrat strategists are even arguing that “Popular Constitutionalism” is a legitimate way to interpret the Constitution.  They insist that the president has the authority to interpret the Constitution and may read into it whatever he wishes.  They say the president can decide that the Dobbs decision was incorrect and declare that the Constitution provides an inalienable right to abortion.  “Popular Constitutionalism” is a giant red light that if the justices stay out of our current political civil war, the Court may become its first casualty.

We are at a constitutional cliff.  The Court aided our descent into banana republic status when it chose restraint over aggressive defense of the Constitution.  Should the Democrats consolidate control over the government in the next election, there is nothing in their behavior arguing that they will refrain from:

  • adding four leftist senators,
  • packing the Supreme Court with leftist finders of penumbras and emanations,
  • arresting their political and ideological adversaries,
  • ignoring all limitations imposed by the Constitution, and
  • rendering the Supreme Court irrelevant for all time.

The Supreme Court needs to make radical course corrections now, because it failed to make minor adjustments when it would have mattered.

The Court’s desire to exercise restraint is an admirable judicial philosophy — in a well functioning republic.  When a car is running well, minor maintenance is the only appropriate action.  But when the car is on fire, it doesn’t need an oil change.  It needs emergency action.

Do the Supremes realize that the leftists have set our republic on fire?  The Court needs to stop looking for excuses for restraint and start looking for opportunities to stop the advance of tyranny.  This is the time for bold action — or after November there may be nothing left to defend but ashes.  They need to consider that as they deliberate on the cases before them.

John Green is a retired engineer and political refugee from Minnesota, now residing in Idaho.  He spent his career designing complex defense systems, developing high-performance organizations, and doing corporate strategic planning.  He is a staff writer for the American Free News Network and can be reached at greenjeg@gmail.com.

<p><em>Image via <a  data-cke-saved-href=

Image via Pixabay.

Soros and the Holocaust

Politico reported last Sunday that Biden bankroller and longtime Democrat mega-donor George Soros, who is of Hungarian Jewish ancestry, financially enables ongoing campus mass-agitations bellowing for the utter destruction of Israel, the world's only Jewish state. 

That might seem counterintuitive, to phrase it gently. But Soros's present fanning of anti-Semitic college flames is consistent with his boyhood collaboration with Nazis who sent Jewish prisoners to genocidal deaths.

The amoral left-wing billionaire detailed his abhorrent collaboration during a 1998 interview with CBS reporter Steve Kroft, in a broadcast of that network's 60 Minutes.

A transcript records the exchange:

KROFT: "My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted [Christian] grandson. Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews."

SOROS: "Yes. That's right. Yes."

KROFT: "I mean, that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult?"

SOROS: "No. Not at all, not at all. Maybe as a child, you don't see the connection. But it was -- created no problem, at all."

KROFT: "No feeling of guilt?"

SOROS: "No."

KROFT: "For example: 'I'm Jewish, and here I am, watching these people go. I could just as easily be there. I should be there.' None of that?"

SOROS: "Well, of course I could be on the other side, or I could be the one from whom the thing is being taken away. But there was no sense that I shouldn't be there, because that was -- well, actually, in a funny way, it's just like in markets. That if I weren't there -- of course, I wasn't doing it, but somebody else would be taking it away, anyhow."

In a 2023 Jerusalem Post essay, Larry Pfeffer observed "By his insensitive logic, German, Japanese, and Russian soldiers could also have exclaimed that they don't need to regret raping women, since if they didn't, then someone else would have."

Recall Soros's unconscionable Third Reich-era collaboration -- and his current bankrolling of campus anti-Israel rioting and Biden's reelection campaign -- when next you hear Democrats smear Trump as Hitler, and compare MAGA to Nazis. 

Image: Niccolò Caranti


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