Where there’s smoke, look for fire.  Biden came from humble means,

never worked in the private sector, but somehow became wildly

wealthy.  Several of Biden’s family members essentially work in the

family business of apparent influence peddling.  Does Biden’s

frequent refrain, “I never spoke with my son about his overseas

business deals” come to mind?  It makes one wonder if “never”

really means “never!”.  Biden has nine relatives receiving millions in

foreign cash.  What were they talking about when Vice President

Biden and his cronies met 80 times at the White House?  Veracity is

everything when you solicit the public’s trust, and Biden’s persona is

wrapped around his supposed trustworthiness.  However, the facts

here point to a person who uses hyperbole, manipulation, and

outright lying to sway public opinion. ALLAN J FEIFER

Glazov Gang: The Case for Biden’s Impeachment

So many reasons why.

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This new Glazov Gang episode features Jeff Crouere, author of America’s Last Chance.

Jeff discusses The Case for Biden’s Impeachment, analyzing So many reasons why.

Don’t miss it!

And make sure to watch our 2-Part Special with Jeff on The Cattle Mutilations Mystery and RFK Jr. Surges Despite Leftist Censorship.

[1] The Cattle Mutilations Mystery – A sobering glimpse into a haunting phenomenon.

[2] RFK Jr. Surges Despite Leftist Censorship – How American environmental lawyer has dared to cross the Dems’ One-Party Line.

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All This Failure Is Deliberate

Societal chaos is what leftists have been scheming since the French Revolution.

I recently had a reader ask, “Why is Joe Biden still President?”  While I’m sure there was some facetiousness in his query, it’s actually worth pondering.  The simple answer is, he was elected (ahem) for a four-year term and still has about a year and a half left.  So, he is President because our Constitution allows him to be, and he hasn’t died yet.  But let’s examine the question a little deeper.

Everything Biden has done has been a disaster.  The economy is teetering.  The border is non-existent.  The banking system and the dollar are crumbling.  Our enemies are taking advantage of the weakness they perceive in the White House.  Crime is out of control in most of our once-great cities.  Traditional morality and decency are in the toilet.  Our children are being butchered and groomed for the hedonistic pleasure of a cadre of sexual deviants.  Women athletes are losing hard-earned rights because of the “transgender” movement, something that almost no one had heard of five years ago.  Government spending is without restraint and, as a result, inflation has soared, and America’s middle class is being squeezed into near oblivion.  The education system continues to produce semi-literates who will do—what?—in the future.  No patriot wants to join the military anymore.  The list of Joe Biden’s cataclysms is endless, but my space in this column isn’t, so I mention only a few of the most egregious catastrophes this man and his ideology have foisted upon the nation.  Why is he still President indeed?

Biden is President, but he is far from in control.  The Marxist, Leftist global movement, whatever groups are ultimately behind it, are using Biden and the Democratic Party as pawns in the supreme game of human domination.  Biden does everything he is told to do.  He is nothing but a puppet, a “useful idiot” as I explained recently—totally unable to think for himself.  The Far Left, the Marxist Left, manipulates him and his ideological band.  Biden doesn’t realize it, but some Democrats do.

But this is why Biden—health permitting—will win the Democratic nomination next year.  Why would the Leftist oligarchy want anyone else, since he is doing exactly what they want him to?  When he has expanded his usefulness, he will be tossed “into the dustbin of history.”  They will have no further need for him, and probably won’t even give him a gold watch.

What is critical to understand is that all the failures of the Biden administration are choreographed.  They are deliberate, exactly what Soros, the WEF, the Deep State, i.e., the Marxist Left covet.  They WANT failure.  We must understand that.  Some of them are intelligent enough to know that Leftist policies never succeed because they contradict basic human nature, economic laws, history, science, God, and every other reality.  This is the horror we are witnessing in America and around the world today—designed, intended collapse.  Those who are engineering this are aware of it and, again, need the failure.  As societies crumble and dissipate into total chaos, someone, echoing Hitler, will have to step forth and restore order again.  The Left certainly doesn’t intend for Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis to do it.  The Marxist Left will be able to assume all power, and the people will gladly give it to them in order to restore some measure of peace and stability to their lives.  The masses will obey whatever orders are given to them under the threat of terror, and out of fear of a resurrection of the madness that brought about the totalitarian state in the first place.  Most Americans sense something is dreadfully wrong, but don’t know enough history to understand it.  That is a supreme tragedy.

This societal chaos and ultimate takeover are what Leftists have been scheming, actually, since the French Revolution.  It is the world Utopia, with them in charge, of course.  The movement was provided greater emphasis and philosophic buttressing by Marx, and while it failed in the Soviet Union, it’s working in China.  And it is about to conquer the United States, especially if Biden (or any Democrat) is given four more years in the White House.

What I’m basically describing is George Orwell’s novel, 1984.  Orwell portrayed the end result; what we are witnessing today is the movement that will terminate in a 1984-type society.  Again, it is deliberate, planned, and, so far, working almost to perfection.  They will win unless our will is stronger than theirs.  With Ronna McDaniel and Mitch McConnell in control of the (supposed) opposition party, one is not hopeful.  The enemy and its goals must be comprehended in order to be defeated, and the Republican establishment in Washington is utterly clueless.

We bemoan the deterioration and destruction of our country.  But do you think Barack Obama and George Soros are sorrowful about the current trends in America?  Of course not.  It is exactly what they desire and designed.  Things are going according to blueprint.  Oh, there are a few obstacles (traditional, conservative Americans), but they are mostly old geezers who will die off in the next decade or two.  Then who will stand in the gap to defend traditional America?  I tremble for our children and grandchildren.  With the millions of illegals now in, and soon to enter, the country, there is a ready-made mass of humanity to organize into a revolution.  There aren’t enough “crops” for them all to “pick.” What are they going to do?  They will soon discover that America, because of Leftist policies, isn’t what they were promised it would be.  Most of them can’t speak the language well enough to perform skilled labor.  They will live on the streets, or in shantytowns, Venezuelan-retreads; huddled together, miserable, waiting for a Lenin or Mao to lead them.  They will be a revolution waiting to be organized, waiting to happen.

Ten years ago, we would never have believed this could happen in America.  Too many still don’t believe it.  By the time they do, it will be too late.

The Staggering Flaws of the Biden Family

We start with a provocative partisan title.  We may lose some readers here who can’t or won’t evaluate issues that don’t align with their beliefs.  There is a lot of smoke, plenty of facts, and a staggering unwillingness by authorities to connect the dots and resolve the issues at bar.  The number one impediment to opening eyes is the fear that the Trump monster lurks in the shadows awaiting an imminent return.

Good government should be non-partisan, competent, and trustworthy.  (It hasn’t been for a long time.)  Democrat partisans overwhelmingly populate the vast majority of government departments, and no Republican administration has been able to put a dent in that political slant.  Constant leaks have become the story instead of relaying the accomplishments of Republican presidents.  Democrats don’t have to use overt bias to enforce a progressive liberal bureaucracy to do their bidding; instead, they step aside and watch a parade of bias and salacious leaks flow endlessly to a media too willing to use unnamed sources.  President Trump faced an average of two leaks a day in his first 100 days, and to this day, virtually no one was punished in any government agency, including agency heads, for any leaks to reporters.

Joe Biden is not the captain of our Ship of State; a shadow government pulls his strings.  I cannot view Biden in the context of his record and statements and see him as an able leader.  Many hear the rhetoric saying he is “The Healer in Chief” despite the fact that he is likely the most divisive president in history.  In his stump speeches, Biden endlessly denigrates “MAGA extremists” who cast over 74 million votes against him.   His echo chamber seems to believe he can demonize and ignore those voters because they are evil and irrelevant to him; it is this constant theme that exposes his administration as entirely partisan.  “Finishing the Job” is his new campaign cry for a second term, but one has to wonder what “finishing the job” actually means.

Conservatives like myself hardly recognize our country today.  Four more Biden years make me feel my next stop might be Dachau.  Hyperbolic?  I am so vehemently opposed to so much of the Biden agenda and its effect on myself and the people I love, that my only option is to fight back.  Should I be considered a danger to Biden’s agenda?  Does an FBI entrapment await me as it has others?  “Home of the Free, Land of the Brave” raises their hackles. 

Five concerns expose the truth of Biden’s corruption:

  1. Biden’s mental acuity should be a central issue.  If intellectually incompetent, he should not be the leader of the free world.  Two revealing factoids should be shocking to all of us.  First, at a rare press conference on April 26th, Biden was photographed holding a small pamphlet which appeared to contain damning pictures and text — the reporters who would be asking questions, the order which he should call on them, and the questions he would be asked.  Reporters’ names were even spelled out phonetically.  Of course, the White House denies it, but what kind of reporter would submit their questions in advance?  A different world of journalism indeed and one in which we should all feel “handled.”
    Next, on April 27th, Biden had to be reminded by an actual child of the last country he visited.  “What was the last country you traveled to,” a child asked during the White House’s Take Your Child to Work Day event. Per Biden:

The last country I've traveled — I'm trying to think the last one I was in — I, I’ve been to 89, so, uh — I'm trying to think.  What was the last — Where was the last place I was?  It’s hard to keep track.

These memory glitches should frighten national security officials.  What would Biden do or say during a National Nuclear Emergency when seconds count?  Biden had two brain aneurysms in 1988, likely leading to permanent cognitive deficits.

  1. The truth of unaccompanied minors (UACs) being brought across our border.  A staggering number of unaccompanied children have been sent here, but to whom and why?  The Biden administration has seen almost 400,000 UACs cross the border.  An HHS whistleblower testified that 85,000 children are “lost” and cannot be accounted for, but are believed to be in indentured servitude (at best).  The Biden administration knows this and has done nothing.  Biden’s reputation as a “compassionate” humanitarian is exposed for what it is…rhetoric.

  2. Where there’s smoke, look for fire.  Biden came from humble means, never worked in the private sector, but somehow became wildly wealthy.  Several of Biden’s family members essentially work in the family business of apparent influence peddling.  Does Biden’s frequent refrain, “I never spoke with my son about his overseas business deals” come to mind?  It makes one wonder if “never” really means “never!”.  Biden has nine relatives receiving millions in foreign cash.  What were they talking about when Vice President Biden and his cronies met 80 times at the White House?  Veracity is everything when you solicit the public’s trust, and Biden’s persona is wrapped around his supposed trustworthiness.  However, the facts here point to a person who uses hyperbole, manipulation, and outright lying to sway public opinion.

Current news speaks of an IRS whistleblower who will likely testify before Congress alleging that the Hunter Biden probe was intentionally mishandled.  While centered on most of the Biden family, excluding the “Big Guy”, it is construed that their family business was structured to use Joe’s political contacts to coerce monies to be distributed to the family.  Without piercing this alleged conspiracy, he can continue business as usual.  Many good Americans seek justice and vindication to prove he and some of his children are corrupt and disloyal to our country.
Now, there is another whistleblower who apparently works in the Justice Department that directly points to then-Vice President Biden accepting bribes.  Where does this all end?  With the MSM not reporting objectively, the American people are left to wonder about right-wing conspiracies.  If it’s news, why isn’t it reported?

  1. Misinformation is being used to achieve political ends.  At Biden’s request, Secretary of State Anthony Blinkin set in motion a letter from 51 former intelligence officials declaring the Hunter Biden laptop as Russian disinformation.  We now know that the laptop is genuine; however, the FBI never followed up with the many national security implications the laptop contains.  Asking “why” does not adequately cover an issue of this magnitude.  Withholding important information is another reason the 2020 election is not considered above board by many.

  2. Dereliction of his own flesh and blood.  (Perhaps the most damning of all.)  When asked how many grandchildren he has, Biden answers, “I don't know.”  Widely known is the fact that Hunter Biden had a child with a stripper, and the Biden family refuses to acknowledge little Navy Joan’s paternity.  This flaw telegraphs so much more though.  Failing to own up to the truth, neglecting the role of a financial supporter of your own offspring, and canceling a child by denying her existence are actions having vast trust and integrity ramifications.  Why should we trust someone who thinks and lives only for himself?

Our legacy is the sum of our actions.  Biden has demonstrated too many troubling flaws, and Biden would likely never have reached the Oval Office except for withholding vital information and the “anyone but Trump” vote.

Did this turn out to be a good bargain?

God Bless America!

Allan J. Feifer—Patriot, Author, Businessman, and Thinker.  Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

A Harvard-Harris poll, conducted between April 27 and 29

(2022) with 1,872 registered voters, found that most Americans

polled were unaware of the severity of the invasion occurring at

their Southern border.  This due, in part, to the lack of

coverage of the story by prominent news sources.  But when

told the true facts by the pollsters, eighty percent of respondents

became strongly opposed to the Biden/Harris border policy.  If

nothing else, the high-profile public hearings of dual

impeachment of president and vice president, with all the facts

laid out on the table, would sound the alarm across the nation. 

Public opinion, (let's hope), still carries formidable weight in this

nation. By Richard Morse

Biden, long known as Delaware’s “senator from DuPont,” Biden served on committees that were most sensitive to the interests of the ruling class, including the Judiciary Committee and the Foreign Relations Committee. He supported the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999, a milestone in the deregulation of the banks, and other right-wing measures. After nearly four decades in the Senate, Biden became Obama’s vice president, helping to oversee the massive bailout of Wall Street following the 2008 financial crisis and the subsequent restructuring of class relations to benefit the rich. That included the bailout of General Motors and Chrysler, based on a 50 percent cut in the pay of all newly hired autoworkers.

Corrupt Romanian Paid Biden Family $1 Million as Joe Biden Pushed Anti-Corruption Measures in Romania

Joe and Hunter Biden at the 2023 White House Easter Egg Roll / Getty Images
May 10, 2023

A Romanian businessman charged in a bribery scheme funneled more than $1 million to Hunter Biden and other Biden family members as then-vice president Joe Biden preached anti-corruption measures in Romania, according to a House Oversight Committee investigation.

The businessman, Gabriel Popoviciu, wired more than $3 million to the account of longtime Biden associate Rob Walker from November 2015 to May 2017. Of that, Walker wired $1,038,627 to the accounts of Hunter Biden, his uncle Jim Biden, and his late brother's widow, Hallie Biden. Sixteen of the 17 wire payments were made while Joe Biden was in office, according to the House report.

Biden was in Romania in 2014, a year before the payments began, and called corruption a "cancer" and a "form of tyranny" before the Romanian prime minister and parliament. The May 21, 2014, speech caught the eye of Rep. James Comer (R., Ky.), the chairman of the House Oversight Committee.

This is the latest example of a scandal-plagued foreign national paying Hunter Biden during his father's White House tenure. Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company investigated for bribery, hired the younger Biden to serve on its board of directors in 2014, when Joe Biden was in charge of anti-corruption initiatives in Ukraine.

"While Vice President Biden was lecturing Romania on anti-corruption policy, in reality he was a walking billboard for his son and family to collect money," Comer said at a press conference Wednesday.

Republicans called on the Justice Department to investigate what they called a massive money-laundering operation, in which more than $10 million in foreign money was funneled to the Biden family through a network of shell companies. In addition to the Popoviciu wires, Republicans detailed millions of dollars in wire transfers to Biden family entities from the Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC China Energy.

Republicans noted that Joe Biden publicly pressured Romanian leaders on corruption while his son was taking millions from a scandal-plagued businessman. In September 2015, a year after his trip to Romania, the then-vice president discussed anti-corruption initiatives with Romanian president Klaus Iohannis at the White House.

Hunter Biden and his associates began working for Popoviciu in 2015, as Popoviciu faced an investigation for fraud and bribery. The younger Biden recruited former FBI director Louis Freeh, a longtime family friend, to work on the case. Freeh leaned on his FBI contacts, State Department officials, and Romanian officials to intervene in the case, according to emails from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop.

Popoviciu in 2017 was sentenced to seven years in prison on charges of fraud and bribery.

Comer said Wednesday that the information about Popoviciu's wire transfers came from bank records, which the Oversight Committee subpoenaed as part of its investigation into the Biden family's foreign business deals. Comer said he plans to subpoena additional bank documents as the investigation shifts into a "new phase."

Republicans said they are also investigating Hunter Biden's relationship with Vuk Jeremić, a former Serbian foreign minister who worked for CEFC China Energy. Jeremić contacted Biden in December 2015 to arrange a meeting with CEFC chairman Ye Jianming, according to emails from Biden's abandoned laptop.

Republicans said that State Energy HK, a subsidiary of CEFC, made $3 million in "suspect donations" to Jeremić's Serbia-based think tank, the Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development, in 2015 and 2016. State Energy HK in 2017 wired $3 million to Rob Walker's company, of which around $1 million was wired to Biden family accounts.

In June 2016, Hunter Biden arranged for Jeremić to meet his father's then-national security adviser, Colin Kahl, as Jeremić sought support for his campaign for United Nations secretary general, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

Jeremić and Hunter Biden both worked with Patrick Ho, a CEFC executive who was convicted in 2018 of attempting to bribe African officials for oil drilling rights. Jeremić arranged Ho's meeting with the African officials. CEFC paid Biden $1 million to provide legal services to Ho.

Republicans said that Jeremić declined to cooperate with the Oversight Committee but that they intend to obtain documents from Jeremić about his relationship with CEFC, Hunter Biden, and Kahl.

Published under: Corruption Feature House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Hunter Biden Jim Biden Joe Biden Laptop


Oversight Committee: Biden Family Business Received over $10 Million from Romania, China for Unknown Work

President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden step off Air Force One, Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023, at Hancock Field Air National Guard Base in Syracuse, N.Y. The Bidens are in Syracuse to visit with family members following the passing of Michael Hunter, the brother of the president's first wife, …
AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

The Biden family business over the course of several years received over $10 million from business schemes in Romania and China in return for what appears to be influence peddling, bank documents obtained Wednesday by Breitbart News from the House Oversight Committee show.

In total, Biden family members and business associates designed a web of over 20 companies, many of which were formed during Joe Biden’s vice presidency, the committee revealed. In total, the Biden family, business associates, and companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals’ companies, the committee found.

The funds appear to contradict President Joe Biden’s claims that his family received no money from China. The funds also raise questions about what the Biden family returned in terms of services or products for the money received.

Romanian Transactions 

From November 2015 to May 2017, Bladon Enterprises paid Robinson Walker, LLC over $3 million. Bladon Enterprises is reported to be Gabriel Popoviciu’s Cypriot company that he used to conduct business in Romania. Robinson Walker is the Biden family business partner who collectedly sent the Biden family $1.3 million to the family.

The Biden family accounts received approximately $1.038 million from the Robinson Walker, LLC account after Bladon Enterprises deposits, the committee revealed based upon wire transfers. In total, 16 of the 17 payments from Bladon Enterprises to Robinson Walker, LLC were made while Joe Biden was vice president.

According to the committee, the payments began to flow to Robinson Walker, LLC just after Vice President Biden welcomed Romanian President Klaus Iohannis to the White House on September 28, 2015.

A readout of the meeting stated that the “Vice President welcomed President Iohannis’ focus on anti-corruption efforts and rule of law as a means to strengthen national security and promote greater investment and economic growth.” Iohannis said Joe Biden “voiced satisfaction over Romania’s progress with the fight against corruption.”

One year prior, on May 21, 2014, then-vice president Joe Biden visited Romania and delivered a speech addressed to the Romanian Prime Minister, judges, prosecutors, and leaders of the parliament. At the time of the speech, Romanian prosecutors were investigating Popoviciu, who was later charged and convicted with bribery-related offenses.

As Breitbart News previously reported, Hunter Biden began working for Popoviciu in the spring of 2015. According to Hunter Biden’s calendar, he met with Joe Biden three times from July 2015 to March 2016 about helping Popoviciu with a “conviction stemming from his purchase of a 550-acre parcel of government-owned land for a steep discount,” the New York Post reported.

Chinese Transactions

Bank records from the committee show that between August 2017 and October 2018, Hudson West III, a company co-managed by Hunter Biden, sent over $4 million to Hunter Biden related companies and over $75,000 to James Biden related companies. Gongwen Dong and Hunter Biden were each 50 percent owners of Hudson West II, bank records obtained by the committee show. According to an email verified by the Washington Post and Hunter Biden, Gongwen Dong served as “Chairman Ye[’s] CEFC emissary” in the United States.

Closely connected to the Chinese Communist Party, CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming also paid Hunter a $1 million retainer fee for legal services in 2017. Hunter also received a large diamond from Ye worth an estimated $80,000 in February 2017.

In addition, the committee revealed that Hunter Biden received an additional $100,000 that was sent from Shanghai Huaxin in China. The money was apparently a part of a CEFC deal with Ye and Dong.

According to the committee, on May 11, 2017, Dong formed CEFC Infrastructure in Delaware. Hudson West V, a company that formed a partnership with Hunter Biden, was the sole equity member of CEFC Infrastructure. Dong identified himself as the Director of Hudson West V and listed its address as Xicheng District Beijing, China, banking documents show.

One week later, Hudson West V assigned 100 percent of its interest to Shanghai Huaxin Group Limited (Shanghai Huaxin), a company incorporated in China. On June 30, 2017, Shanghai Huaxin funded the CEFC Infrastructure bank account with an injection of $10 million.

About one month later, CEFC Infrastructure wired $100,000 to Owasco P.C, Hunter Biden’s law firm.

The above payments are in addition to what the committee already revealed. On April 17, Comer announced a total of nine Biden family members may have profited from the family’s international business schemes, six more than previously disclosed. Those currently identified on the payroll are Hunter, James, Hallie Biden — and a fourth unidentified Biden. On April 25, the committee teased releasing the identities it has so far concealed. A spokesperson for the committee declined to reveal the identities at that time.

Collectively, the identified family members received $1.3 million from a Biden associate, who was wired $3 million dollars from a Chinese energy company two months after President Joe Biden left the vice presidency.

In 2018 and 2020, Breitbart Senior Contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter Biden and Joe Biden flew aboard Air Force Two in 2013 to China before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China, less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism.

Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’s investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to have a ten percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

Old Joe Biden Says With a Straight Face: ‘I’ve Proven Myself to Be Honorable’

The most dedicated and relentless liar ever to occupy the Oval Office.

The least honorable president in American history had a softball interview with MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle on Friday, in which he uttered one of the most outlandish lies of his entire life, which has been filled with his outlandish lies: “I think I’ve proven myself to be honorable, as well as effective.” As Matt Margolis noted Sunday, this was in the course of a paean of boasting from Old Joe Biden that included praise of his own wisdom and experience. But now Joe Biden would have us believe that he is honorable, too? Come on, man! This guy lies every time his lips move.

The part about Old Joe being effective, however, was actually true. If Biden wanted to weaken America (politically, militarily, and economically), erase the Southern border, antagonize our friends as well as our enemies worldwide, and advance the Left’s socialist, authoritarian agenda at the expense of the American people, then he has indeed done a bang-up job. If, on the other hand, he is really as America-First as he has been pretending to be lately, now that the 2024 campaign season is approaching, then he has been a galloping disaster as president, and just the opposite of effective. It all depends on your point of view, you see, and since Old Joe’s administration is dedicated to calling opposing views “disinformation” and silencing them accordingly, pretty soon we will all have to agree that his presidency has been remarkably effective.

But honorable? That Old Joe would even dare say this is staggering. The man is the most dedicated and relentless liar ever to occupy the Oval Office, and we’re talking here about a job that has been held by such skillful prevaricators as Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Richard M. Nixon. Biden has lied throughout his political career and long before it even started: on Dec. 1, 1965, the faculty of the Syracuse College of Law published a report about Young Joe, stating that Biden “used five pages from a published law review article without quotation or attribution” and recommended that he fail a legal methods course because of his plagiarism.

For years, Biden was so craven as to lie about the central tragedy of his life, the auto accident that took the life of his first wife Neilia. Old Joe repeatedly claimed that she was killed by a drunk driver; the driver, however, was not drunk, and the real story was that Neilia drove into the path of the oncoming truck. The driver’s daughter repeatedly asked Biden to apologize for lying about her father, who was driven into a deep depression by Biden’s public lies. True to dishonorable form, Old Joe never did apologize. Then in Sept. 1987, Biden torpedoed his own presidential campaign when he delivered a speech that lifted an entire story of his early life from a speech by British Labour leader Neil Kinnock.

The lying has continued since Old Joe began pretending to be president, and has gotten so bad, and so obvious, that the New York Times felt it necessary back in Oct. 2022 to do some damage control, informing us that “Biden, Storyteller in Chief, Spins Yarns That Often Unravel.” That’s all it is, see. It’s not as if he were a deeply dishonest man or anything like that. But even the Times couldn’t make Joe look good when it started ticking off some examples: “The exaggerated biography that Mr. Biden tells includes having been a fierce civil rights activist who was repeatedly arrested. He has claimed to have been an award-winning student who earned three degrees. And last week, speaking on the hurricane-devastated island of Puerto Rico, he said he had been ‘raised in the Puerto Rican community at home, politically.’”

The lies have gone on and on. On the campaign trail in 2019, he told a story about a Navy captain who tried to refuse a Silver Star after trying and failing to save a wounded comrade. The story wasn’t true, as even the Washington Post admitted, but instead of discarding it after it was publicly revealed to be false, Old Joe made it about his family. In Dec. 2022, Biden retold the same story, but this time it was about his uncle Frank being awarded a Purple Heart. That version was a lie as well. And most recently, Biden has been insisting that his notorious son Hunter has “done nothing wrong.”

Old Joe Biden is a lot of things. “Honorable” isn’t even close to being one of them.

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Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 26 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest books are The Critical Qur’an and The Sumter Gambit. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

Reader Interactions

GOP Rep. Comer: ‘We’re Following the Money — All Roads Lead to Joe’

Wednesday on FNC’s “Fox & Friends,” Rep. James Comer (R-KY), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, teased what to expect with his forthcoming release about his committee’s findings into President Joe Biden and his family’s business dealings.

According to the Kentucky Republican, “all roads lead to Joe.”

Transcript as follows:

Joining us right now, House Oversighted Committee Chairman James Comer.

Chairman, good morning to you.

EARHARDT: Good morning.

COMER: Good morning.

DOOCY: Ninety minutes until your big press conference. What are we going to learn today?

COMER: Well, the American people are going to see just exactly what the Biden family has been engaged in. We all heard Joe Biden say during the presidential debate that his family never received any money from China. We’re going to learn today whether or not that was a truthful statement. We’ve heard Joe Biden say he didn’t have any knowledge of his family’s shady business dealings. We’re going to learn today whether or not that’s true.

And I think the American people, especially the conservatives out there who work hard and pay their taxes and watch “FOX & Friends” every day, they’re frustrated that they see all these things that the Biden family’s done that any other family in America would have already been punished for but yet it doesn’t seem like — like anything happens.

And I want them to know that the House Oversight Committee is digging. We’re trying to bring the truth and present the facts to the American people about this family. And it’s been very difficult. What you’re going to see in this press conference today is, they set up many different shell companies.

DOOCY: Right.

COMER: They had transactions — you know, multiple transactions to try to disguise who the sender of the money was, which oftentimes it was foreign nationals. And — and then the money would eventually end up in — in the Biden personal accounts.

So, it’s been a very difficult process to obtain the information and to try to put the pieces of the puzzle together.


COMER: But we’re going to present what we have thus far this morning.

EARHARDT: Was there a kick-back scheme going on? Was there money in exchange for policy decisions?

COMER: Well, we don’t — you know, there’s a lot of money. And, you know, thus far we’ve only presented $1.3 million, as if that wasn’t enough, that went to three or four Biden family members.


COMER: After this press conference, that number’s going to be significantly higher. And the question arises, what were these family members doing to receive this money? I mean all the — the — the material that’s on the laptop that we have with respect to presentations that Hunter was privy to with the Chinese, show that when they would talk about Hunter Biden they would say, through his connections from his family and friends —

DOOCY: Right.


COMER: — he has access to the government at the highest level. So, they were peddling Joe Biden’s name to our adversaries all over the world. And we’re going to talk about that today in the press conference.

KILMEADE: The White House statement on this, it — it comes after you. It says “Congressman Comer has a history of playing fast and loose with the facts and spreading baseless innuendo while refusing to conduct the so-called investigations with legitimacy. He has hidden information from public to selectively leak and promote his own hand-picked narratives as part of his overall effort to lob personal attacks at the president and his family. Instead of staging yet another political stunt, Comer and House Republicans should do their job, avoid default without conditions and prevent a devastating economic crash and millions of American jobs” — he’s talking about the debt ceiling.

What’s your response to him saying your credibility is at stake here?

COMER: What — what a joke. I mean, first of all, they’re calling a press conference a political stunt? I remember when our political leaders used to have press conferences and used to answer questions from the media. And I remember when the media used to want to ask substantive questions to our leaders. So, having a press conference disclosing the facts is not a political stunt. And, secondly, bank records don’t lie.

DOOCY: Right.

COMER: And that’s what we are going to present to the American people today, bank records.

DOOCY: OK. OK, so you’re going to — you’re going to — we’re going to see a bunch of bank records. Ultimately, you’re — you’re going to have a narrative, I would imagine, about what happened. But do you know for a fact what happened? Did you talk to anybody in the Biden family and say, OK, why did you get this money, or is it — you know, it is supposition what happened?

And have you found out, Congressman, that any of the Bidens broke any rules? Did they break any laws? Because, ultimately, that’s what the American people want to know. If they broke laws, they should be held accountable. But you’ve got to be able to prove they broke laws. Can you do that?

COMER: Right. Well, as you know, my job is to investigate and present the facts. We’re presenting facts that’s never been presented before. No one has ever seen wire transfers to the Biden family.

Now, you asked if I’ve spoken to the Bidens. I have not. They have lawyered up. What they thought I would do when I got subpoena power at the first of February is they thought I would subpoena the Bidens. They were going to block that, and we would have been tied up in court for two years.

But what — what I did, what our committee has done, is we went in the back door. We knew who some of these shady characters were that were accepting the — the first wire transfers from places like China and then laundering it down to the — to the Biden family.

We subpoenaed their bank accounts and, therefore, we got the transactions to the Bidens through the back door. So, they never thought we would have their bank records. They’ve done everything in their ability to block and obstruct. So, no, I haven’t talked to the Bidens yet. But we’re building the case leading to the Bidens.


COMER: We’re following the money, and all roads lead to Joe.

KILMEADE: They do (ph).

EARHARDT: Did they pay taxes on the money?

COMER: I’m sorry?

EARHARDT: Did they pay taxes on the money?

COMER: Well, that — you know, I doubt that. That’s a good question to ask. The way these LLCs were set up, and Byron Donalds is going to talk about that. He — he’s, you know, an expert in finance. The way these LLCs were set up, one of the reasons, in addition to hiding the sender, was to deceive the IRS. So, it’s very doubtful they paid taxes on this.

KILMEADE: They got 87,000 agents who are probably going to crack down on that, I’m sure.

COMER: Yes, that’s right.

KILMEADE: They’re going to be able to bring (ph) that in there.


KILMEADE: All right, look forward to your press conference right at 9:00 Eastern Time.

James Comer, thanks.

EARHARDT: Thank you, Congressman.

COMER: Thank you for having me.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

James Comer Names the 9 Biden Family Members Who Got Business Payments

Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, shakes hands with a person in the crowd as he joins President Biden on a walkabout in Dundalk, Ireland, Wednesday, April 12, 2023. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)
AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) on Wednesday named the previously undisclosed Biden family members who received payments from the family’s foreign business ventures.

On April 17, Comer announced a total of nine Biden family members profited from the family’s international business schemes, six more than disclosed. Those identified on the payroll were Hunter, James, Hallie Biden — and a fourth unidentified Biden.

During Wednesday’s press conference, Comer described all nine family members as related to President Joe Biden:

  • Hunter Biden
  • James Biden, Joe Biden’s Brother
  • Sara Jones Biden, Joe Biden’s Brother’s Wife
  • Hallie Biden, Beau Biden’s Widow and Hunter Biden’s Ex-Lover
  • Kathleen Buhle, Hunter Biden’s Ex-Wife
  • Melissa Cohen, Hunter Biden’s Current Wife
  • Two Children of Joe Biden’s Son [Names Unknown]
  • Joe Biden’s Brother’s Child [Names Unknown]

“The inclusion of Biden grandchildren in the list of family Biden members has not been previously disclosed,” Jonathan Turley posted on Twitter. “The spread of transfers to nine family members and the use of a complex array of LLC companies raise obvious concerns over an effort to conceal influence peddling.”

It is unknown exactly how much money each of the individuals received. But Comer previously detailed that Hunter, James, and Hallie Biden received a collective $1.3 million from entities linked to the Chinese Communist Party.

On Wednesday, Comer also showed that over $75,000 was sent to James Biden-related companies from China.

Moreover, Comer disclosed that Hunter Biden received $100,000 that was sent from Shanghai Huaxin in China. The money was apparently a part of a CEFC deal with Chairman Ye Jianming, who also paid Hunter a $1 million retainer fee for legal services in 2017. Hunter also received a large diamond from Ye worth an estimated $80,000 in February 2017.

CEFC Infrastructure, a company affiliated with Ye, wired $100,000 to Owasco P.C., Hunter Biden’s law firm, Comer stated Wednesday.

In addition, Comer revealed that Biden family members’ accounts received approximately $1.038 million from schemes in Romania.

In total, Comer said the Biden family business — over the course of several years — received over $10 million from schemes in Romania and China. The Biden family business received some of that money, totaling $179,836.86, when Joe Biden was vice president, Comer revealed in March.

In 2018 and 2020, Breitbart Senior Contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter Biden and Joe Biden flew aboard Air Force Two in 2013 to China before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China, less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism. Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’s investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to have a ten percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

Richard Wolff | ELITES BLEED the MASSES DRY.... you mean like a pack of parasite lawyers???


Peter Schweizer: Americans Have Gone to Jail for Doing Far Less Than What Hunter Biden Has Done



Elon Musk Gets Up and Ends Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and Obama’s Career to Jail 2023



Jesse Watters Primetime


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK) corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER).    BRIAN C JOONDEPH

Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’s investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from Hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing even to have a 10 percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.

WATCH: Biden’s Presidency Collapsing Before Our Eyes

Two weeks after President Joe Biden announced his reelection campaign, a Washington Post poll has put his approval rating at 36 percent, among the lowest ratings ever recorded for a president. Biden faces a conundrum—nearly every issue he'd like to tout his success on has been an unmitigated disaster.

The economy? Inflation has devoured Americans' paychecks, leaving them with historically low confidence in the administration's ability to steer the economy.

Immigration? Border Patrol agents are expecting hundreds of thousands of migrants to rush the border in the coming days when the administration lets Trump-era protocols expire.

Crime? It's surged in cities across the country.

It's no wonder Democrats are wondering if they have any better options in 2024.

Published under: Feature Joe Biden

DOJ Does Not Deny Existence of Record Alleging Criminal Scheme Involving Joe Biden

BURLINGTON, IA - AUGUST 07: Democratic presidential candidate and former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden delivers remarks about White Nationalism during a campaign press conference on August 7, 2019 in Burlington, Iowa. (Photo by Tom Brenner/Getty Images)
Tom Brenner/Getty Images

The Justice Department did not deny the existence of a record alleging a criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Joe Biden, the House Oversight Committee confirmed to Breitbart News Wednesday.

On May 3, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) subpoenaed the FBI for records alleging the criminal scheme. The document, an FBI-generated FD-1023 form, allegedly details an arrangement involving an exchange of money for policy decisions between now-President Biden and a foreign national. Comer issued the subpoena following legally protected disclosures by a whistleblower to Sen. Chuck Grassley’s (R-IA) office.

Wednesday was the deadline for the DOJ to submit the document allegedly in the agency’s possession. But instead of handing over the alleged information, Christopher Dunham, the DOJ’s acting assistant director in the office of congressional affairs, wrote to Comer that such information is “sensitive law enforcement” material and refused to readily provide it, a letter obtained by Breitbart News shows:

FBI Response to Subpoena 2023-05-10 by Breitbart News on Scribd

“It’s clear from the FBI’s response that the unclassified record the Oversight Committee subpoenaed exists, but they are refusing to provide it to the Committee,” Comer said in a statement. “We’ve asked the FBI to not only provide this record, but to also inform us what it did to investigate these allegations. The FBI has failed to do both.”

Comer demanded the FBI comply with the subpoena. “The FBI’s position is ‘trust, but you aren’t allowed to verify.’ That is unacceptable. We plan to follow up with the FBI and expect compliance with the subpoena,” said Comer.

Grassley issued a similar statement, noting that taxpayers bankroll the FBI’s salaries.

“So the question remains, what did the FBI do to investigate very serious allegations from an apparent trusted FBI source implicating then-Vice President Biden?” he questioned.

“Today’s letter from the FBI raises additional questions, including whether the FBI has an open investigation based on these allegations,” Grassley continued. “The American people pay the FBI’s salaries, and they’re entitled to a fulsome response.”

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.


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